Ch 48 I am lonely..

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Singto's leg was completely healed now. It had been a week since Arthit started his internship. This was not as tiring to him as the training sessions. His shift so far was during the day. He would leave at 8 a.m and come home by 8 p.m like any normal working person. When he was away at work Singto tried to keep himself occupied doing chores and reading books but after a week of tat he was all bored.

Today was Sunday, Arthit's day off. Both of them were lazing in the swing in the terrace with drinks and snacks, as Arthit regaled the younger with stories about the people in his department. He had many a funny anecdote about P'Som, and Singto enjoyed Arthit's narrative, as his eyes danced with mirth when he narrated those happy moments. Singto could just sit and stare at him listening to his voice all day long..

"Are you even listening to wat I am saying Tuan??you seem to be having some lovely dream in ur eyes.." Arthit teased him.

" P'Kit, your voice makes me dream, wat can I do?? I was thinking how lovely it would be if I could listen to ur voice all day long when ur at work and I am lonely.."he sighed..

Arthit pulled him closer, hugging him and kissing his forehead "So baby's lonely when P's at work?" he asked..

"Hmmm.."Singto hummed burying his face into his neck enjoying the warmth which radiated from him.

"Do you want to go stay with Mae for a few days? Or P'Wave?"

" Can I?" Singto perked up, his eyes shining as he looked up at Arthit excitedly..

" Tuan, u just had to tell me if u were feeling bored and I would have arranged things for you. No one s keeping you locked up baby. We are just keeping you hidden. Doesn't mean you can't go anywhere. So, where do u want to stay?"

"Well, if I go stay with them I can't see you everyday right?."he pouted.

" So baby wants to be with me too...hmmm..aren't you being a bit greedy by wanting us all?" Laughed Arthit.

"I don't care. I stayed away for so long without you all. Is it so bad to want to be with all the people you love? I can't be away from u even for second P'..even if I am lonely all day, just seeing you and being with u at night s enough.. I miss mom and P'Wave too, but tat s nothing to how much I ll miss you if I go stay with them."

"Won't talking to me on the phone be enough if u're with Mae and P'Wave?"

"No, I won't be able to sleep if I don't hug you P'. If you don't mind my saying, I am addicted to you. How I managed all these years away even I don't know..So if it means I can't see you, I am not going anywhere. " Singto said decisively.

" Let me talk to Mom, we'll see wat can be done , ok?" Arthit said rubbing soothing circles on the younger's back. The younger's confession had made him happy, he knew tat even he couldn't stay away from his Tuan. After tat night they had both grown closer together. Singto had become quite clingy and Arthit loved it. Their level of intimacy had increased to the extent tat there wasn't a day where it either started or ended with them making love passionately...


"P'Kit you didn't have to leave ur apartment and shift back home.I told u I was fine na?" Singto grumbled as Arthit was driving them home..

After their talk tat day, Arthit had called Nymm to ask if he could move back in with them, as his classes at the university were over and he was now back on talking terms with his dad.

Nymm was overjoyed and immediately agreed to it, asking him to pack up immediately and shift as soon as possible..she wanted her sons back with her so they could be one happy family like the old times again..and so the next weekend, here they were, driving home with all the stuff they need packed in the trunk. The rest would be moved by packers later if they decided to make it permanent.

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