Ch 65 Temporarily saved by a hair's breadth

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Arthit reached the spot based on the directions given by Kong's kidnappers. He was sure that somehow Kong's rivals at his company were involved cause his secretary was the one who volunteered to drive him home.

He had texted P'wave to get help from Ná Kanya and also to track his phone so they may get an idea as to where Kong was held. He hoped that P'Wave could get help and back up in this unknown cold desert region and that they could get out of this alive.

The rendezvous was a deserted warehouse in the outskirts of town. He parked his own car and waited by it for further instructions. His phone rang and he was asked to take a bike parked a few feet away and drive to another place.

He ditched his car and took the bike. The second place that he was sent to was an abandoned temple further away from town. He parked there and waited, not knowing even if his phone would receive a signal in this wilderness.

As he stood waiting for the next call someone came up stealthily behind him and knocked him out. Then the knocked out Arthit was bundled up into an suv and the vehicle drove off towards the city. They forgot to get rid of his phone, which was a good thing and Wave's tracking could be done.

In the city the car stopped before a  night club and they carried Arthit inside through the back door. From there they went downstairs into the basement. Jay stood there before Singto,  grinning wide at his prize that was brought in unconscious.

Singto couldn't believe his eyes. He had hoped Arthit wouldn't be trapped in his drama. He had prayed he would be safe, but wat could he expect from his faen? He was always there to rescue him when he was in trouble.

Though how they were going to escape this dungeon, with Arthit unconscious, was beyond him. He was at his wits end trying to think of a way to escape or divert Jay's attention.

Jay ordered his men to tie Arthit also up like Kong, in a chair. When he was satisfied that he was securely tied, he told them to wake him up. His men dumped a bucket of water on his head and Arthit startled awake, spluttering at the sudden water force.

He blinked and tried to recall where he was. Taking in his surroundings as he waited for his blurred vision to clear, he saw Singto on a chair opposite him, struggling against the ropes. Standing next to him and smiling sinisterly was Jay, the gangster he thought was in jail where he put him..

" How did you escape from Prison?" He asked the thug.

" There's nothing money can't buy you khun Arthit. " he smirked an evil grin.."Well and I wanted revenge..your frens were smart enough to protect u so I had to pick up ur boyfriend instead. Though it was a good thing..seems like my dad has some business with him and needed him we can have u both together in ur journey to heaven.."and he started laughing...

Singto looked at Arthit, his eyes almost on the verge of tears and pleading..Arthit assured him that everything would be alright and asked him to calm down just by a blink of his eyes..

"Jay...wat are u gonna get from all this? Singto s a prominent figure  now in China if something happens to him ur gonna be in big trouble and as for me, u know wat I can do back in u think u can live peacefully after killing us?" Arthit ventured cautiously..

"Well that s where my genius of a brain works khun Arth..I am gonna make it look like an's totally orchestrated but will look so genuine that everyone can't help but believe it.." he was bouncing on his heels like a kid who got a bag of candy..

Arthit prayed some help would arrive and save them from this madman..

"Khun Arth...u meddled a lot in my business and we have unsettled scores..and Singto was so close to me in school..I am in dilemma whom to finish first. Well I think I ll pick my favorite.." he said pacing between the two if them trying to decide...

Arthit was silently struggling against his knots behind the chair, but the damn assholes knew how to tie a knot and it was strong.

Jay was walking around blabbering something about how smart he was and how he'd love to use both of them to try out his inventions and as he said this he was plugging up some device and the wires he was connecting to Singto's skin..

Arthit saw wat he was doing and started get free of his bonds and save Singto..

"Ohhh calm down khun Arth those ropes are pure nylon and no amount of pulling s gonna break them..nor is anything gonna stop me from torturing ur cute faen in front of ur eyes..yes that's the punishment I give u for putting me in jail..." with that he raised his hand to touch the switch that would turn on the current supply..

"Nooooo....Jay stop...I ll do anything u want...anything Jay...let him go...please..." he begged literally as Jay's thugs held him in place by holding the chair down..Singto was silently crying seeing Arthit struggling..he had resigned himself to their fate. He saw no way to escape this without outside help

"I am sorry Arthit but, I need to test my custom made shock producer and who better than Singto to test it..did u know that it is sound sensitive ? It can send shocks each time a noise is heard.."

Jay smirked as Arthit struggled and slowly inched his fingers towards the switch, teasing his two victims.. Singto closed his eyes awaiting the rush of electricity.

Just as Jay was about to touch the switch one of his men came running over. He was breathless and bent over..

He had a mobile phone in his hands and gave it to the gangster..

"Your Dad...he's on the phone.." the man panted out breathlessly..and Jay took the phone, turned and walked away from the switch...

Singto sighed in Arthit slumped back in the chair...but their troubles were not over...yet...

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