The long trip and short fight

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This trip was an absolute killer, it would take a while to get to the land of waves and Sasuke wanted to stab himself.

Tobirama had already resorted to earphones that Sasuke could not wish he had brought with him... why is he like this you ask.. well...

"I'M SO BORED!!" Hashirama shouted.

The two women of the group face palmed.

"Ugh, this trip is so not cash money, no no no, we need to spice it up a bit..." Fugaku stated, his iconic sunglasses perched on his head.

The alive people of the group were quiet..  including Naruto.

"Sensei, could you stab me?" Sasuke asked, he had a feeling on what his crazy father was about to do and he would rather die to be honest.

"No" Kakashi responded he didn't even look up.

Sakura look appalled that Sasuke would even suggest that.

"See, I told you I'm not the weird one of the group, believe it!" Naruto shouted.

"I believe it, Ya'know!" Kushina cheered.

Sasuke's motivation to kill himself was slowly growing, it only got worse with his lack of coffee, or his energy concoction.

"I got it! Play along!" Fugaku said, he looked at Minato and Hashirama knowing that Tobirama currently couldn't hear them.

"Ahem, You are.... my Fire.. the one...desire, believe... when I say.... I want it that way... Minato!" Figaku started.

"But we... are two worlds... apart... can't reach to.. you heart... when you say... that I want it That way!" Minato sung.

"Together!" Fugaku shouted.

"Tell me why!" (F)

"Ain't nothing but a heart ache!"

"Tell me why!" (F)

"Ain't nothing but a mistake! Tell me why!"

"I Never wanna hear you say! I want it that way!"

Sasuke was rubbing his temples while the three males sung behind him... he really wanted to kill Itachi, if it wasn't for him his dad would still be alive and less crazy.

While the ghost were singing, and changing songs once they were finished, Sasuke stepped into a puddle.

He was so tired that he just gave up trying, and threw a Kunai in the puddle, to Ninja jumped out, but both Looked at Sasuke's Sharingan and went out like a light.

"They're after the bridge builder, I'm not going back to be forced to paint a fence so let's go!" Sasuke demanded, and kept walking.

Naruto shrugged not really wanting those kid chores either and followed Sasuke.

Sakura always be simping for Sasuke so we know what choice she made, and Tazuna chose to follow the Ninja who wanted to stay with him.

That left Kakashi who gave a heavy sigh before realising that he actually isn't the leader of the group, he's more like a babysitter... yeah, a very dangerous babysitter.

They managed to get to the lake and were sitting on a boat, while Tazuna told the others his reasons Sasuke was distracted by the three idiots who were still singing.

"Party rock is in the House tonight!"

"Everybody just have a good time!"

"And we go'n make you lose your mind!"

"Everybody just have a good time!"

Sasuke was twitching and had his hands over his ears, while secretly praying that the next Ninja who came along killed him.

"Sasuke, are you ok?" Kakashi asked.

Sasuke twitched violently.

"No" he gritted out.

"Cus your hot and your cold, your yes and your no!"

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked.

"I gotta a blank space baby! And I'll write your name!"

Ok now they were just singing a song that Suited whoever was talking at that moment.

"Dear, Kami... WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Sasuke shouted, however he said that after Sakura had asked him a question...

This made everyone on the boat think he was talking to her.

"Oi, Teme! She was asking if you were ok! You don't have to be an ass about it!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke's migraine had increased tenfold.

"Now, now, Sasuke that wasn't necessary" Kakashi said.

Tobirama saw that the ghosts weren't singing anymore and pulled out his earplugs.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Sasuke told these idiots to shut up, but pinky asked him a question before he snapped, so they think he was talking to her, Ya'know" Kushina explained.

Sasuke just stared at the river, and released a deep sigh, he was so sick of both people and Ghosts.

While staring at his reflection Sasuke saw himself as a child, he was laughing and smiling a lot more, especially when Itachi and Shisui were around.

Fugaku saw Sasuke staring into the river and pulled out a flute, before he started playing
Sadness and Sorrow.

Then the author jumped in and took his flute!

"No! Your not allowed to break the fourth wall, you can't play Naruto songs!" I yelled hitting Fugaku on the head before dissapearing.

"Crazy bitch! Hand back my flute, or face the wrath of the Uchiha's!!" Fugaku yelled.

But got no response.

"Hn... fucking jerk of an author..." he grumbled.

Mikoto ignored her husband and floated next to Sasuke.

"You ok?" She asked softly.

Sasuke looked up and saw the concern in his mothers face, see through or not, and it made Sasuke smile.

"I'm fine, just tired" he mumbled.

"I know, son" Mikoto said, she hugged Sasuke tight.

When the boat reached land they group walked once more, the trip being much quieter now the ghosts had stopped singing.

Soon Naruto threw a Kunai at a bush and just missed a rabbit.

Sasuke looked at it with Narrowed eyes.

"Oh cool a white rabbit!" Hashirama yelled.

"Of course you would know about Nature you tree hugger" Fugaku said.

"I'm not a tree hugger..  anyway, What's a white Rabbit doing in the middle of spring, it should have shed and turned brown by now due to the warm weather..." Hashirama trailed off.

"Unless... it was bred in captivity..." Tobirama finished.

Sasuke chose to glare at the rabbit.

"Ahh Shit" Sasuke said, before dropping to the ground.

"Duck!" Kakashi shouted and the others cose to follow Sasuke's example.

Standing up they saw a half naked man with cow print leg and arm warmers standing on a huge sword, that was embedded into a tree.

Everyone stared at the man  in silence.




"Ugh, those arm and leg warmers were never in season, let alone being out of it." Fugaku claimed.

Sasuke facepalmed.

Was it too much to ask to be stabbed?

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