please kill me

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Zabuza was standing on his sword staring down at the four Ninja and Tazuna.

"Ew, really cow print leg and arm warmers?" Hashirama asked.

"No sense of style" Kushina said.

"Those thing exist?" Tobirama muttered.

Sasuke sighed.

"Oi.... please just stab me, I'm so sick of this shit" Sasuke growled.

Everyone looked at him in shock.

"WHAT SASUKE YOU CAN'T!!!" Naruto yelled.

Sakura used scream.

Everyone dropped to the ground and covered their throbbing eardrums, even the hidden Ninja deep in the Forrest covered his ears.

It was Super effective.

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" Fugaku yelled.

"Oh my god, a little louder for the people in the back" Hashirama sassed.

"Please no" Minato cursed.

"Sasuke get up! WHAT I SAY!!" Sasuke layed on his back staring at the sky, but the the other it looked like he was spasing out... no Fugaku was just shaking him.

"You. Can't. Die. Until. You. Avenge. Me!" Fugaku shouted slapping Sasuke with each word.

"I don't think Thor would apreceate that" Hashirama said.

"Screw Thor! He should have aimed for the head!" Fugaku yelled back.

Sasuke had no fucking clue what the hell they were talking about but chose to stay quiet.

A massive wave passed over him slamming him into a tree.

Zabuza was defeated.... Jesus how long did he zone out for.

Then some Mist Anbu appeared.

"They're working together I'm calling it now" Tobirama said.

"That's just because you can't even trust a mirror" Hashirama replied.

"Ladies, Ladies.... no one cares" Kushina replied.

By the time Sasuke was actually focusing on the situation the ANBU was gone and Kakashi was on the ground.

Without thinking about it, Sasuke picked up his Sensei and looked at Tazuna.

"Lead the way" he said.

Just like that they were.on their way.

Naruto was ranting about how cool he is to use clones to take out Zabuza all alone, Sasuke released a hefty yawn and Sakura was forever simping.

Fugaku looked at his drained son..

"I have an idea!!" He shouted.

Sasuke sighed.

"Oh great, more singing Ya'know" Kushina mumbled.

"No not that woman, Minato you and Tobi head out into the wood using Sasuke's clones, we could sense the Ninja and either defeat them there and then or talk to get them on our side!" Fugaku yelled.

Everyone stared at him, even Sasuke.

"What?" He replied.

"That may be the only smart thing to come out of your mouth ever" Mikoto said.


Sasuke made two clones and Minato and Tobirama fused with them.

"Oi Teme! What are you doing clones are my thing!!!" Naruto yelled.

"Silence fool! I'm solving your problem  before it even shows" Tobirama said.

"Don't mind us Naruto, just act like you never saw us" Minato said.

And in a flash both clones were gone.

Sakura was in a daze, cus you know... three Sasukes.

"What was that about?" Tazuna asked.

"They're looking for a cliff for me to jump off of" Sasuke grumbled.


"STOP YELLING, YA'KNOW!!!" Kushina yelled.

Sasuke looked ready to stab himself.

"Oi teme, stop saying stuff like that" Naruto said.

"Yeah Sasuke-Kun" Sakura replied.


They had made it, after a stupid amount of singing and Sasuke trying to drown himself in the various Rivers they passed.... usually forgetting the Kakashi was on his back, they had made it to Tazuna's house.

"His trip was not worth it" Hashed stated.

"Ugh, look at this place, the rats live better than them" Fugaku said.

"I doubt that" Tobirama replied.

"Of course they do, hev you never seen Ratatouille?" Fugaku asked.

"Ho  please sto breaking the fourth wall, your going to give Author-Chan an aneurysm" Mikoto said.

The other silently bowed to this goddess who can o ly be Hinata, who Sasuke will definitely date later.

"Hey! Sasuke-Kun is mine!" Sakura yelled to the Sky, everyone proceeded to roll their eyes at her because they knew it was pointless to try and defy the person who controls their lives.

That being said, suddenly some flex tape had appeared to have stuck itself on Sakura's mouth effectively shutting her up, giving Sasuke the amd the ghosts the few moments of peace they had wished for.

Dropping Kakashi, because let's face it, carrying an adult is madness for anyone, Sasuke then grabbed the back of his Flack jacket and dragged him up the stairs, before dropping him off in a random empty room.

"TEME! FOOD!" Naruto's voice shook the whole fucking planet and even the ghosts held their heads, heck even Shisui and Rin who were about a weeks travel away heard him.

"I hate him" Sasuke grumbled, he dropped to the ground and passed out in seconds.

Truly it was a power only he possessed.


This chapter was short and filled to the brim with random shit. Why? Because that's what happens when you people spam pls Update.

You give me shitty responses, you get weird shit to read.

Have fun.

Ja ne

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