Chunin pt 3

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"Alright bitches, basically if you wanna participate, stay silent, if you wanna leave fucking say so!" Hayate shouted.

Oh, it should probably be mentioned that Fugaku had gotten sick of the Hokage's 50 year speech and decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Well! Any one of you pussys wanna bounce!?" A possessed Hayate shouted.

Everyone was too shocked to even think of leaving.

Sasuke and Gaara looked at eachother before shaking their heads and looking back at Hayate.

"GREAT! Now the first match is.... " He stopped and looked at the board. Two names popped up. "Sasuke Fucking Uchiha!! And oh, Gaara Of ThE sAnD" Hayate yelled out.

Sasuke stared at the screen and blinked once... twice... again.. once more.

He stuck his hands high In the air.

"Fuck this shit I'm out" Sasuke announced.

"Eehh! Sasuke you can't just leave!" Naruto yelled.

"I don't know what the fuck just happened, but I don't really care, imma get the fuck up outta here!" Sasuke yelled walking out.

"Sasuke!?" Kakashi yelled.

"Fuck this shit I'm out!" Sasuke said before he had completely dissapeared.

The crowd watched in silence before Gaara burst out into laughter, his family was shocked this had been the first time Gaara had laughed, but here he was practically dying with laughter.

He shook his head once more before looking at the crowd.

"I too forfeit" he announced walking out to catch up to Sasuke.

Fugaku was still in Hayate's body.

"SASUKE YOU PUSSY GET BACK HERE AND BE A FUCKING UCHIHA BITCH!" Hayate yelled out before Fugaku finally left his body and went to chase after Sasuke.

Shisui watched as the two boys left and could only laugh. He could see Itachi watching from the stands.

Itachi's face held a perfect mix of 'what the fuck' and 'I'm so disappointed I don't know what to say'

Meanwhile with Sasuke he had marched straight to the Uchiha compound. Gaara was right beside him.

"So what are you doing?" Gaara asked.

Sasuke grabbed a bug bag slung it on his back and marched towards the gates.

"Leaving, there is something I want to check and I can't do that here" Sasuke explained.

Gaara didn't stop following, not even when they had gotten about half an hour away from Konoha.

"Why are you following me?" Sasuke asked.

"If you haven't spotted that I simp over you yet I'm going to be very concerned for what little mental stability you have left" Gaara responded.

Sasuke froze and all the ghosts watched the two interact, it was silent for a while. Very silent. Too silent.

"I FUCKING KNEW YOU WERE A SIMP!!" Shisui shouted.

"YESS! The ship has Sailed! I repeat the Ship has sailed!!!" Hashirama screehed.

"WHOOOO! Fugaku yelled out.

Sasuke grabbed Gaara by the shirt and pulled him closer and closer.....





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