The..... Massacre?

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When Sasuke hit 7 he started to notice that his brother and Shisui had been more distant than before.

"Hey Minato isn't Nii-san acting a little weird?" Sasuke asked, the calmest adult in the room. The others were setting Hashirama on fire, for what reason he didn't know, but he wisely chose to ignore it.

"I guess your right, want me to watch him for a while?" He asked.

"Aren't you gonna look after Naruto?" Sasuke replied.

"He'll be fine if I'm not watching him for a day, besides, Kushina is still going to be watching him." He explained.

"If your sure then yes please." Sasuke said.

Minato gave a curt nod and floated through the wall to follow Itachi for the day.

Sasuke gave a heavy sigh before walking back inside to drink his new found godsend, energy drinks, yeah coffee just wasn't doing it anymore.


Sasuke was now in his room relaxing waiting for the news from Minato.

"WOAH!! Being a ghost is awsome!" A hyper voice shouted.

Sasuke knew that voice. He looked up on the ceiling above his bed and saw Shisui's head poking through.

"Oh god" Sasuke said.

"Oh Hey! MINATO!!! I FOUND SASUKE!!!" He shouted.

Sasuke pretended to not notice him, maybe he would assume like everyone else that he couldn't see him.

Minato floated into the room through his door, somewhat trying to be civil with his privacy.

"Sorry Sasuke I couldn't warn you in time, but I saw who stole his eye" Minato said.

Tobirama and Hashirama stopped arguing for once.

"Wait eye? " Tobirama asked.

"Yup that Stupid Bastard, Danzo Stole one, the other I put in 'Tachi's Raven!" The idiot explained, whoops I meant Shisui.

Sasuke once again for god knows how many times gave a heavy sigh.

"Wait, Sasuke you can see us!?" He asked.

"Hn" the boy grunted.

"Aww Come on you don't need to be that mean about it" Shisui pouted.

"Welcome to the club of ghost that follow Sasuke around" Hashirama said.

"Why?" Shisui asked.

"His life is one Giant Movie" Tobirama said.

"Seriously something always happens" Minato said.

"We help him out sometimes but his life is so depressing" Rin said.

"And amusing, Ya Know!" Kushina shouted.

Shisui had a deadpan look on his face.

"Welcome to my world, it's filled with Idiots" Sasuke said laying on his bed.

"Hmm well I should tell you that something is going to happen soon" Shisui said.

"What?" Sasuke mumbled half asleep.

"The clans gonna die, and you can't stop it." Shisui said.

"Hn..." Sasuke trailed off before his words actually sunk in.

"Is that it? That's the response you give?" Shisui asked.

"Wait for it" Minato said.


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