A Day as Shisui

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A lot of you guys wanted to know what Shisui did at the Aktsuki base.... so here you go

Shisui flew into the Aktsuki base and immediately began scanning the area for Itachi.

He and Rin had to split up because Obito was still literally living under a rock.

Upon spotting Itachi who was in his room eating Dangos and reading,  Shisui gave an evil smirk.

Slowly Itachi's plate began to float up. Subconsciously Itachi placed his hand on the plate and put it back down only for Shisui to do it again but this time lift up one of the Dangos.

Itachi immediately glared at the floating plate with his Sharingan, but saw nothing, he then released a heavy sigh.

"Sasori you're not getting any fuck off!" Itachi spoke out loud but heard no response.

Shisui the grabbed a Dango and bolted out of the room only for Itachi to start chasing him.

Flying past Hidan Shisui grabbed his scythe and kept running.

"What the fuck!" Hidan yelled he too followed Itachi.

Shisui then came upon the oned area which held Sasori, Kakuzu and Deidra.

Throwing the scythe at Itachi who grabbed it and threw it back pinning Deidra to the wall.

Shisui began to cackle as he threw the Dango at Sasori and watched as Sasori at Itachi began to argue.

"I said you weren't getting any" Itachi spoke.

"Who the fuck even wants you diabetic stick." Sasori responded.

Shisui then wrote on the wall in Ketchup.



He then laid back and watched the Aktsuki group argue amongst themselves about who pulled the shit prank while Hidan was already bowing the the message.

Oh yes... he will have a lot of fun here.

"Ok well either someone else know how to use Chakra strings or we have a genuine God here because I didn't do it" Sasori stated.

"Can someone get out out of this, un" Deidra grunted.

Everyone ignored him.

"Well ghosts aren't real and no one else knows how to use Chakra strings" Itachi stated.

"Then were dealing with a god then" Kakuzu jumped in.

"No one is better than lord Jashin!" Hidan shouted only to receive a plate to the head.

"Alright What's going on" Pein asked as he walked in on the chaos.

"Sasori touched my food and is now coming up with some god shit to get away with it." Itachi explained.

"You have the Fucking Sharingan! Or are those eyes of yours merely decoration. You would have been able to see the Chakra strings if it was me or anyone else" Sasori growled.

"So did you see Chakra strings Itachi?" Pein asked.

Everyone went silent.

"Hn" Itachi grunted, he hated being wrong.

Kisame then walked in.

"What happened?" He asked looking at the mess.

Everyone then watched as Deidra's eyes went from blue to black before shoving the scythe off him and standing up tall.




Yes Shisui had possessed his body. Shisui intentionally made his voice much deeper than necessary, but he wanted to be dramatic.

"I am the true God of this land Mortals, I am Amaterasu and you will address me as such. This is your first and last warning. Leave the Jinchuriki's alone or suffer the consequences"

With what seemed like the click of someones fingers Deidra fell to the ground completely passed out.

The entire room was silent while Shisui was howling in laughter at their reactions.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm not about to fuck with a deity that can possess me at any point in time." Hidan broke the silence.

"Well I guess I'm not going after any Jinchuriki" Itachi spoke.

"Damm those Jinchuriki were worth a lot of money too" Kakuzu spoke.

"Yeah but it's not worth it." Kisame explained.

And to think this was only the beginning of their troubles.


There you have it.

This is basically what Shisui did at the Akatsuki he just messed with them because he was bored.

Hope you enjoyed this little short.

Ja ne!

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