The argument

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Itachi, Sasuke, Naruto, Gaara and all three Sannin returned to Konoha. Now despite the fact that snake boy attacked the village a few days prior he was a scary ass ninja that no one would question.

"So what you're tryna tell me is that my great uncle and grandfather have been haunting you since you were five and you never questioned it." Tsunade stated.


"And our parents and Shisui have been with you since the massacre" Itachi stated.


"And you never went to anyone about this?" Jiraiya asked.


"And you didn't either?" Tsunade asked talking to Gaara.

"To be fair, I assumed it was my mind playing tricks on me by using the people I had killed even thought they attacked me first" Gaara pointed out.

"Valid" Fugaku stated while Rasa nodded along.

"That's fair" Sasuke muttered.

"But you have no excuse" Itachi stated.

"Oh no I didn't. But then someone killed our clan leading to 'traumatic tendencies' such as seeing people that aren't really there" Sasuke sarcastically explained.

Itachi slapped him on the back of the head.

"Oi, no fighting unless it's a fashion show!" Orochimaru stated.

"Oh kill me now" Sasuke muttered, Gaara pat his back in agreement. He fully understood.

Sasuke suddenly had a lot of blood fall from his nose. He wiped it without thinking before he saw his blood covered arm.


"HOLY SHIT!" Fugaku screeched.

"Shit Sasuke! You're dying!" Rasa yelled.

Gaara's head shot over to Sasuke when he heard the ghosts.

"Sasuke?" He said catching everyone's attention.

"Well damm... what a shit way to go out" Sasuke muttered dropping to the ground.




Sasuke woke up in hospital. This was the second time this had happened. As soon as he woke up he saw his brother, Naruto and Gaara next to him.

"You're dying" Naruto spoke up first.

"Huh, I guess they're serious when they say be careful what you wish for" Shisui stated.

"Shut the fuck up shisui" Kushina stated.

"Shut up Shisui" Rin stated.

"Be quiet Shisui" Mikoto said.

"Shut the hell up Shisui" Gaara spoke up.

"Shisui, shut up" Itachi said.

Everyone looked at him.

"Did you hear him?" Sasuke asked.

"No  but it's Shisui. He would never miss out on the opportunity to say something stupid" Itachi explained.

"Sasuke are my parents here?" Naruto asked randomly.

Sasuke blinked very, very, VERY fucking slowly. He most died. I mean sure he's always asked for death but it was always him being dramatic, he genuinly almost died.... and he asks about his parents?

I mean sure he has a valid reason, he finally gets to know them, maybe even get some questions answered... but really dude? Bad timing.


"Can I talk to 'em?" Naruto asks.

"Not right now" Sasuke responded.

"Please! It'll be real quick just one question!" Naruto asked.

"Not. Right. Now! Later you can ask as many as you would like but I need to rest" Sasuke said.

Naruto didn't know what came over him. Jealousy? He was angry. Sasuke got to learn all these cool things from his parents! Sasuke got to learn about his own parents and Naruto's while he was stuck with what!?

No information, no nothing. He didn't know what came over him, he always thought Sasuke was just crazy, but in reality he never lost his parents!

He snapped.

"I JUST WANNA ASK EM WHY!?" Naruto yelled.





"Oh I get it... you're angry, you want my power to see them.. well you know what! You can have em! Seeing ghosts isn't a blessing it's a fucking curse! It's saps away at my life energy every day! Not my Chakra MY LIFE! I have no idea how I'm alive! I should be dead and I will be if I don't get rid of these powers soon! OH BUT IT'S FINE AS LONG AS YOU CAN SPEAK TO YOUR PARENTS! Fuck you Naruto!" Sasuke shouted.

Sasuke got out of bed and marched up to the roof of the hospital, Naruto, Gaara and Itachi following.

"Where are you going!?" Naruto yelled.

"To die! Apparently the only thing people don't give a shit about is me living or dying so I will choose the easier choice! Death!" Sasuke yelled.

He slammed open the doors and marched straight to the rails, with ne hesitation he jumped off ignoring the screams of both Ghosts and People.

Suddenly his hair went yellow and his eyes went blue before he teleported back onto the roof of the Hospital.

Minato had taken over Sasuke's body.

"I'm disappointed in you Naruto... I thought you we're better than this." Minàto said to his son before Sasuke went back to normal.

Sasuke fell down to one knee, more blood dripped from his nose, his head ached, his throat felt incredibly dry... he was dying. Really and truly dying.

"DUMBASS!! I told you we can only take over your body a few more times! And your suicidal ass chose to waste one!" Fugaku shouted.

Mikoto looked at Sasuke incredibly disappointed. It made Sasuke want to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

"Sorry mum" Sasuke whispered catching Itachi's attention.

Mikoto let out a deep sigh before hugging her son tightly.

"I'll always love you. Remember that" Mikoto whispered.

"Huh, this was a less crazy chapter and a more angsty one" Rin stated.

"Well that's cus this book is gonna end soon and Author wanted some tears" Shisui replied.

"Woah wait WHAT!?" Hashirama yelled.

"Bitch better make my ship sail first!" Fugaku yelled.

"Oi, don't call the only one who can make you act sane a bitch... you call her a dead bitch if she don't make our ship sail!!" Rasa yelled.

"Oi idiots! Let the chapter end!" Tobirama said.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. When he does get rid of his power he will miss it. He won't doubt that things will get a lot more quiet. But he'll miss them.


Oh boy! This book is coming to an end soon guys!

I've finally gotten most of my craziness out of my system, but FEAR NOT!

Once the crazy me comes back I'll make another crackfic.

For now tho! We still have a few more chapters to go! So enjoy them while you can!

Ja ne!

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