A solution to the problem

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Sasuke, Itachi, Gaara and Tsundae were all in the Hokage office trying to figure out a way to save Sasuke.

Since he was... you know, dying.

But then Fugaku burst through a wall.

"OK Who did it!? Whcih one of you bitches took my limited edition Starbucks coffee that Author let me have!" Fugaku yelled out.

"What!? Author let you have Starbucks! What about me?! I want Starbucks!" Shisui yelled out."

Choosing to ignore the argument of the ghosts Sasuke and Gaara focused on the problem at hand.

"I think I might know a way..." Sasuke muttered.

All eyes but the ghosts were on him.

"When I was younger, Itachi do you remember that trip mum and dad took us on. The one where I went missing for a few hours?" Sasuke asked.

Itachi nodded.

"On that trip I remember I accidentally walked into a shrine. I don't know what's in there but that shrine is my best bet for whatever is going on right now" Sasuke stated.

Gaara decided it was bet to ignore that he has never been to a Shrine. Maybe his issue was somehow affected because of Sasuke.

"Hmm... convenient. Well if you're sure you three can head out soon and check it out. We need a solution and soon because you are running out of time" Tsunade muttered.

The three boys gave a slight bow before turning around.

"What the fuck?" Gaara muttered.

Fugaku was strangling Shisui, who was stabbing Tobirama who was strangling Hashirama. Mikoto had only now grabbed Fugaku's ear while Kushina was yelling at the top of her lungs. Minato was hidden behind Itachi and Rin was watching with a deadpan from the side.

"Fugaku! Calm down!" Mikoto yelled.


"I would say you would have to kill me first, BUT I'M ALREADY DEAD!" Shisui yelled out before bursting into laughter.

"Why the hell are you stabbing me!? And for fuck sake stop stealing my seals!" Tobirama yelled out to both Shisui and Hashirama.

"Well how else do I set myself on fire? I'm a fucking ghost!" Hashirama yelled.


Rin could only sigh and rub her temple. Who knew that being a ghost would give you such a bad headache. Minato on the other hand gave a heavy sigh.

"Ghosts, I'm not payed enough to be stuck around them." Minato whispered from his hiding spot.

Sasuke looked at Gaara, who was covering his ears and watching the madness happen. Sasuke then took a quick glance around the room and did a quick head count... they were all there.... but Gaara was here... so where was...

"Which motherfucker stole my limited edition disney cup! Confess now! And I'll make your life painful!" Rasa yelled coming through the roof.

Everyone stopped yelling and looked at him.

"Will you three get out of my office!" Tsunade stated snapping Gaara and Sasuke out of their trance.

Like magic they ran from the room.

Outside of the room, Itachi, Gaara and Sasuke all headed to the gates.

"Oh I should probably mention that I told Tsunade I didn't want to be healed." Itachi said.

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