Fucking Senjus

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Sasuke woke up in hospital.

According to the doctors he had severe Chakra exhaustion, but Sasuke knew the real reason behined him passing out.

"Oi, you know we can only take over your body a few more times before you die right?" Fugaku said.

Sasuke looked at Fugaku with the most plain face he could make.

"What? Just thought you should know!" He yelled.

"He was never like this when he was alive" Hiruzen muttered.

"Speaking of Alive... YOU HAD ONE JOB!" Kushina shouted. She began beating the shit out of him.

"I'm sorry! The council was on my ass 24/7!" Hiruzen yelled.

Sasuke looked over and saw Tobirama and Hashirama holding back Minato from slamming Hiruzen in the face with a Rasengan.

"All you had to do was look after Naruto! The Uzumaki's have a fucking compound yet you put him in a shit apartment!" Kushina shouted.

"And let's not get started on what you did to help prevent the Uchiha massacre" Mikoto stated.

"Or the fact that you used my Weasel as a spy on his own damm family!" Fugaku yelled.

"Or the fact that Naruto doesn't even know who his parents are!" Minato yelled.

"Or how Danzo got away Scot free with taking my eye! And the eyes of our dead clan members!" Shisui shouted.

"Or how You LET Orochimaru escape even after catching him red handed!" Tobirama shouted.

Sasuke watched as they continued to list of the very long list of things that Hiruzen did or failed to do.

"You're just the worst" Sasuke stated.

All the ghosts ended up kicking Hiruzens ass. He was then tossed to the Uchiha and Uzumaki clan since he was I evolved in both of their massacres.

"Well that's that" Rin said.

Suddenly the door flew open and revealed Sakura.

"Sasuke! Kakashi Sensei is in Hospital! Apparently he got attacked by your brother!" She yelled.

Sasuke jumped up and ran out of the room to Kakashi's. He slammed open the door.

"Itachi is after Naruto" the random ninja said.

"Where is he!?" Sasuke yelled.

"You heard the boy! Where is he!?" Fugaku yelled behind him.

"You heard the man! Where is he!? Shisui shouted from behind Fugaku.

"He left, he's not here" Kakashi stated.

Sasuke ran out of the room. And made a clone.

"Minato, take the clone and go up ahead to Naruto!" Sasuke yelled. Minato nodded and was gone in a flash.

"Tobi you teleport me when Minato Mark's it. Hashirama, Shisui and dad get ready where all gonna face Itachi" Sasuke stated.

"That seems a bit excessive..." Hashirama pointed out.

"Are you crazy!? That Weasle could Solo Goku!" Fugaku yelled.

"Don't joke about that, we don't need the Dbz fans going crazy" Shisui stated.

"They're not the My hero fans I'll take what drama I can get" Fugaku stated.

Without saying anything Tobirama teleported Sasuke and the ghosts to Minato who was fighting Kisame.

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