Bell test??

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If someone told Sasuke that he had to wake up earlier than the ass crack of dawn to meet his sensei, he would have laughed in their face.

So needless to say that waking up any time before 5am was a sin, one that the young Uchiha would be more than happy to punish people for.

"Sasuke you have to get up" Mikoto said for the umpteenth time this morning.

You see it was already 5am, so Sasuke was supposed to be at the training fields, however when he barely moved, all the ghosts knew that it was no use.

"Sasuke, GET UP AND AVENGE ME!" Fugaku yelled.

"Firestyle: Fire ball Justu!"

And just like that Fugaku was burnt in a corner and Sasuke was back in bed.

Minato gave a heavy sigh, he picked up Sasuke with his pillow and blanket.

"Tobirama can you get his weird concoction that he makes?" He asked.

"Yeah I got it."

So when Naruto arrived at the training field and Saw Sasuke fast asleep, he wanted to join in, so he laid down next to him and passed out.

Now if someone told Kakashi that his students were going to be gay, he would have said that they had lost their mind.

But seeing the two boys of the group hugging, while the only girl kept watch made him rethink that mindset.

"Good morning Students" he announced happily.

"YOU'RE LATE!!" Sakura yelled.

Naruto shot up now fully aware and angry at their sensei.

Next was Sasuke he slowly sat up, his hair covered his eyes, but no words were spoken.

Sasuke sealed his blanket and pillow into a scroll, and drank his daily drink.

He would need to thank the ghosts for that.

"Well let's get started so-" Kakashi started but was cut off.

"Skip the drama cut to the chase, I'm too tired to hear your bullshit" Sasuke announced downing his Heart attack in a cup and immediately moved on to brushing his teeth......

Don't question where he got the toothbrush from.

"You need to take one of these two bells from me. Fail to do so and you'll be sent back to the academy." Kakashi described quickly.

"Hnnn...." Sasuke trailed off in thought.

"Hey.... this was my test" Minato whined.

"Oh grow up, ya know!" Kushina shouted hitting him over the head.

"How ridiculous, it's clear the goal is teamwork" Tobirama assessed.

"How did you figure it out so fast?" Minato questioned with a sweat drop.

"Simple. I'm not an idiot" Tobirama said.

"Wait so what's the goal?" Hashirama asked.

"See, idiot" Tobirama muttered.

"I'm not an idiot!" Hashirama shouted.

"And yet you manage to somehow set yourself on fire" Shisui said.

"How do you do that?" Rin asked.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Hashirama shouted.

Sasuke was twitching badly, so much so that the rest of team 7 stopped talking and looked at him.

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