Team annoyance

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Sasuke sat up at the ass crack of dawn, the bags that rested beneath his eyes looked like weights because of how heavy they were.

Dragging himself out of bed he trudged to his kitchen.

The boy walked over to his blender and poured two cans of energy drinks in it, he then dumped a shit ton of coffee in there before ending it all with a mass amount of sugar.

"How you drink that vile concution you call a drink I will never know" The albino said.

Sasuke ignored him and downed the blended thing in less than a second.

"I need this shit to get me through the day, scratch that, life" Sasuke muttered.

Sasuke went to have a shower before brushing his teeth like a mad man, and finally getting changed to head off to get his team.

When the poor boy got to class a swarm of hyenas surrounded him, and at that point he was tempted to stab himself.

Then the village idiot decided to stand right in front of Sasuke, facing him.

Now Sasuke could have glared, but instead he stood up and sat next to Shikamaru.

"Nope, nope, nope" he muttered

"Why are you so troublesome Sasuke?" The boy asked.

"I'm not the troublesome one they are" he said pointing at the crowd of girls.

They both looked at them and gave a hefty sigh.

"Troublesome women" they said.

As much as the duck boy hated to admit it, he got along quite well with the Nara, maybe it was because they both found women to be a pain in the ass, or maybe it was because they both like the peace and quiet that brought them to be friends but whatever it was, Sasuke could only prey that, the nara was on his team.

Iruka came in and started listing off teams.

The uchiha sat in a position that looked like he was thinking when really he was preying to whatever higher being is out there that he doesn't land with a fan girl.

He was really hoping for Hinata and Shikamaru, those two would be perfect.

"Team 7, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha"

Sasuke could swear his soul floated out of his body.

"Oh No you don't, you ain't aloud to die till you AVENGE ME!!!" Fugaku shouted shoving Sasuke's soul back into his body.

"Damn Sasuke I feel bad for you" Shisui said.

"Naruto reminds me of Obito" rin said.

"Is that before or after he went nuts" Shisui said.

"What do you think idiot, Ya know!" Kushina shouted.

"Come on guys calm down it's not that bad" Minato said, forever trying to be the peace maker.

"Why do you still try?" Tobirama asked.

Hashirama was running around in the background as he had somehow set him self on fire.

"OI!! It's lunch! Troublesome man" Shika said snapping Sasuke out of the trance he was in while watching the ghosts around him.

"Oh? Who was on your team?" Sasuke asked.

"Choji and Ino" he said.

"So they continued with the second Gen of InoShikaCho? He asked.

Shika gave a quick nod before standing up.

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