Misson Improbable

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Minato and Tobirama were flashing through the trees around the island trying to find the base of the evil fuckers who decided to knock out Kakashi....

Only Tobirama was allowed to do that.

Obviously since they were on an Island they had to be around here somewhere, and with Fugaku and Hashirama having a sing off, the two fastest Ninja decided to be the ones to scan the place for their locations.

With Tobirama being a Sensor, or as Fugaku calls him, a bitch to Chakra, finding the rouge Ninja were easier than stealing Kakashi's Icha Icha.


Not.. that, that was something they had tried to do for entertainment... yeah... totally.

Honestly though, what they saw made them question this Gato guys sanity.

Who the fuck makes a huge building on an island with a bunch of pissed off islanders, honestly...

Well if it were up to the ghosts they would create a seal, lock everyone inside and burn the place to the ground.

Boom, no evidence, since the seal would burn with it... hmmm.. maybe they should let Sasuke know about this though when he awakens from his self induced Coma.

Minato marked a tree near the building before the two Sasuke clones flashed back to the house, of course dispersing the clones before entering.

"SASUKE WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!" Naruto's voice echoed, and for a split second everyone's ears were ringing.




Everyone looked at him.

Some in fear, others with pride.

"Too far?" Hashirama asked.

But the look on Kushina's face answered that for him.

"Yup, too far, bye brother" Tobirama responded.

Hashirama and Kushina were gone for a while.

Sasuke slowly sat up and pulled out some ear plugs.

"Huh? Did you guys say something?" He asked.

Everyone face palmed.

Once the shouting was done and Hashirama was dead... again, everyone went to Kakashi's room.

"I'll be blunt... Zabuza is alive" he said.

"I know" Sasuke responded, his head was tilting a bit as he was trying he best not to drop back to sleep.

Kakashi only blinked, he wasn't really surprised, nothing surprised him anymore.

"Oi brat, Minato and I found the base, we realised that if we make a lock seal we can trap everyone in the building and burn it to the ground." Tobirama's stated.

"Damm Boomer, that sounds a little excessive no?" Fugaku stated.

"Uhh, Fugaku... you're on fire" Minato stated.

Sasuke, just stood up and left, he didn't say anything to his team or the ghosts he just left.

Creating q clone, Minato took over and teleported them both to the building.

"Alright Tobi you're up" he said.

Tobirama made a seal in seconds and placed it on the building, creating an invisible force around the whole thing.

"Fire style: Great Fire ball Jutsu!"

With that the building was up in flames.

Fugaku pulled off a hat he somehow had on and held it to his chest as he watched the place burn.

"Country roads.... Take me home!! To the place!!! I Belong!!! West Virginia.... Mountain Mamma!!! Take me home!!! Country roads!!!" Fugaku sang.

"I really hate ghosts" Sasuke said.

Suddenly Sasuke ducked dodging and..... Ice? Senbon...

What the fuck!?

"Fucking Ice? What the hell!" Sasuke said.

Looking back he saw a.... girl?... no guy... wait... maybe girl..... no definitely a guy.

He saw a guy, glaring at him with multiple Ice Senbons floating around him.

"Jesus, we pissed of Elsa" Fugkaku said.

"Mikoto, tame your Karen" Kushina replied, Mikoto only gave a heavy sigh.

"Wait!.... before you attack me I have to ask...." Sasuke started.

The ninja held their stance.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

He then jumped dodging the mass amounts of Ice sent his way.

"AH! It doesn't have to be a damm snowman!!!" He yelled running through the trees.

Sasuke then tripped like he was in a horror movie, before out of nowhere he passed the fuck out.

Haku, the elsa wannabe who was picking herbs before he saw the fire, looked at the kids unconscious body with a weirded out expression.

Suddenly Sasuke stood up and stared at Haku.

"Oh my god.... I GET TO BE FLY AS FUCK BITCH! FEAR THE UCHIHA!!!" He yelled...

It had seemed that Fugaku had taken over Sasuke's body.

He punched Haku back, and attacked with a fire ball.

"WHOO!!! Don't you wish you boyfriend was Hot like me!" He shouted dodging more ice.

Suddenly he was surrounded by a shit ton off Ice mirrors.

Sasuke's hair then turned white and his eyes went red before he dissapearing in a flash behined Haku and booted the kid.

"Tch, do not believe for a second that you could have half the speed that I do" Sasurama stated.

It was a beautiful sight until a sword bonked him on the back of the head...

Behined him was a tired Zabuza, who handed the knocked out body to Haku.

The ghosts where all floating around his body ignoring the screams of mercy coming from the burning building.

"Well... time to call Ghostbusters"


I seriously don't know what the fuck this was, but anyways...

Hope you enjoyed!

Ja ne!

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