Chunin exams

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Ahh yes ever since they had first come into Contact Rasa and Fugaku had been shouting at eachother non stop.

Both their sons were completely done with the situation but what could they do it's not like they could exorcise them... could they?

Well I'm sure they could but after what Sasuke heard from his mother he didn't really want to risk exercising them all instead of just the two idiots.

"Pfft, whatever your ass is just jelly cus I'm an an Uchiha, Read the shirt! What does it say!?" Fugaku yelled pointing to his shirt. As usual it said I'm an Uchiha Bitch.

"Hmph, like I give a shit, cus I'm a Subaku bitch!" Rasa yelled back.

Fugaku proceeded to burst out laughing.

"This coming from the bitch whose english Dub name is 'Of ThE sAnD!' Hahahahah!!!!" Fugaku yelled laughing.

Now Gaara and Sasuke were sitting next to eachother watching this whole ordeal go down, where were they? You ask...


"Alright! Pens down, time for the final question!" Ibiki Yelled.

That's right they were in the middle of their Chunin exam.

Not that they cared, Hashirama had already given away the fact that it was a fluke.

"GUESS WHOSE BAAAACK~~" Sasuke looked over and Saw Shisui and Rin float Into the room.

It was at this point that Both Sasuke and Gaara simultaneously lost the will to care anymore and both face planted the table.

It was hard enough to sleep as it was but with the final idiot of the group returning Sasuke had just about given up hope on getting any type of sleep.

"Shisui? Why are you here?" Minato asked.

"Oh, 'Tachi was being really boring and Scaring the Akatsuki got boring too so I came back to see my favourite drama  the Life of Sasuke" Shisui announced.

"Mmm, ashamed you can't see anything" Tobirama announced.

And like that Tobirama and Shisui had begun attacking eachother.


Sasuke had luckily blocked his ears, Gaara... not so much.

"I'm going to kill them all" Gaara muttered speaking about the ghosts and Naruto.

"You and me both" Sasuke announced.

After a shit ton of craziness, they ended up infront of the forest of death.

"This is where I die isn't it" Sasuke said.

Gaara shrugged and went to go stand by his siblings, Rasa floating next to him.

"I'm jealous of the normal people on this planet" Sasuke whispered looking around at all the non tired people.

Meanwhile he had to sit there and listen to Fugaku screech 'Call me maybe' with Shisui and Hashirama.

He really... really wanted to stab himself right in the throat.

But then he would have to deal with his mothers scolding in the afterlife and let's be real... no one wants that.

"Oh! Right I almost forgot, 'Tachi and his boyfriend are gonna be watching the exams from the shadows" Shisui explained.

"Ah, Obito too" Rin said.

Sasuke twitched, he really wanted to hit Itachi for cursing him with his fathers craziness.

With the explanations done, Team 7 ran through the forrest of death, Sasuke began to notice a lot more ghosts here than he thought letting him believe people have definitely died in this exam before.

"Sasuke look out!" He heard Shisui shout.

Before Sasuke could react a huge gist of wind blasted his team away Leaving Sasuke on his own to face his new opponent.

"Tch, Orochimaru. I'm still disappointed Hiruzen didn't kill him" Tobirama muttered glaring at the figure infront of him.

Orochimaru stood up tall before a pair on sunglasses flopped onto his face and he gave a smirk.

"What. In heavens name. Are. You. Wearing!" Orochimaru said.

Sasuke twitched and begged to whatever higher being there was to kill him and do it now.

"Ugh, I would Kill for a Starbucks right now" Orochimaru sighed.




I love it!!🥰🥰🥰

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I love it!!🥰🥰🥰

Shout out to shimmm_

Hope you guys are still enjoying the craziness as much as I am.

Ja ne!

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