Sort this shit out

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The Temple of Death. Where all of Sasuke's misery had began.

Honestly it just looked like any old , dumb temple, but if it could stop this mental and physical torture he would take it in a heart beat.

"So this is what started it all?" Shisui asked.

"Aparently" Tobirama replied.

"Looks like shit" Itachi muttered.

"Looks dumb as fuck, when did we come here?" Fugaku asked.

"It was to remember the Uchiha who had died in the past. Don't you remember?" Mikoto asked.

"Eh? We never did stuff like that!" Kushina yelled.

"That's because your clan lived on an island surrounded by storms so we couldn't even if we wanted to" Minato replied.

Ignoring the group Sasuke walked in with Gaara by his side. The two looked all over the place before they saw a mask resting on a stone table.

"Well if that doesn't scream, "will curse you!" I don't know what will" Rasa stated.

"Finally, you say something that makes sense!" Hashirama responded.

Sasuke walked up to the mask and like a normal person who has no self preservation left, he picked it up... nothing happened.

"Huh, I guess Rasa was wrong" Rin muttered.

"Wouldn't be a first" Fugaku stated.

"Shut the fuck up" Rasa responded automatically.

"Break it" Gaara said.

Sasuke looked at him like he had lost his fucking mind... which at this point wouldn't surprise him.

"You want me to break an ancient mask?" Sasuke muttered, before he fell into a coughing fit. He spat out some blood and wiped the bit of blood that dripped from his nose.

"Were running out of options" Gaara replied calmly.

"But if it works... then this will be the last time I see you guys" Sasuke muttered. Truth be told he had the ghosts around him for so long he didn't know what would happen without them. Heck the only reason he wasn't OP as fuck was because he'd been growing weak from keeping the ghosts around.

"Yeah so?" Fugaku muttered flipping up his sunglasses, that earned him a punch from both Itachi and Mikoto.

"Sasuke... we're dead. It's time for us to move on" Minato spoke up.

Sasuke stood still.

"It will probably affect me too you know" Gaara muttered.

Sasuke looked at the red head and saw he had a tear rolling down his cheek.

Sasuke felt a his through tighten, sure they annoyed the fuck out of him all the time... but he cared. He cared dammit! This wasn't fair, he wanted to keep them around for just a bit longer.

Was that selfish?

Itachi manifested alongside Mikoto and Gave Sasuke a big hug.

"Be strong for us. We'll be by your side even if you can't see us" Itachi whispered.

Mikoto didn't say anything she just pushed Sasuke's head onto her shoulder to hide the boys tears. Soon Fugaku joined the hug.

"We're proud of you son" he stated.

The made Sasuke snap and he began to wail. He cried loudly as he tightly gripped his family that he would never see again.

Gaara was off to the side, he too was crying and hugging his father who had apologised for everything.

Backing away, Sasuke's puffy, red eyes scanned his family and friends one last time before standing next to Gaara.

"Together?" Sasuke asked softly.

"Together" Gaara confirmed.

The boys grabbed the Mask and smashed it against the ground. A black aura rose from it before it expelled outwards and dissapeared.

The two looked around and saw the ghosts we're still around..



"Well that was anticlimactic" Fugaku said.

"What the fuck! I shed tears for this!" Shisui yelled before he noticed Tobirama and Hashirama beginning to glow a bright gold.

The two Hokages smiled at everyone before dissapearing. Next was Minato, Kushina and Rin. Then Shisui.

Finally Itachi, Fugkau, Mikoto and Rasa had began to glow before dissapearing.

Sasuke almost immediately felt better, his Chakra that was being used to keep the ghosts around flowed back into him and he regained full strength.

The boys stood in the temple alone and in tears.

"Gaara.. I-" Sasuke started.

Gaara interrupted him by pulling Sasuke closer by his collar and kissing him.

When they broke apart the two were bright red and taking deep breaths.

"We face this together" Gaara muttered.

"Together" Sasuke confirmed before he hugged Gaara tightly.

Meanwhile in heaven  a crowd of Ghosts were looking down at the two boys.

Shisui stuck his hand out to Fugaku.

"Told you he was Gay, pay up" Shisui said.

"Fucking stupid gay son" Fugaku grumbled shoving some money into Shisui's hands.

Mikoto and Itachi watched Sasuke and Gaara walk back to Konoha while holding hands with a soft smile.

The baby of the family had finally grown up... and they had been there to witness it all.

Mikoto couldn't wait to see what else her baby boy would achieve.


One more chap and this story is done.

If you're not aware I have been MIA for a while since I've been adjusting to Uni, work and some other things.

It's because of this that I'm grateful that you guys haven't given up on me or my stories.

As a result I am slowly making my way through my stories and are updating them one at a time.

Next is I don't need Magic to kill, then it will be Reborn.

Thank you guys.

Ja ne!

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