The Panda and his ghost

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Well returning to Konoha with two rouge Ninja was more then enough motivation for Naruto to start ranting to everyone and anyone about their mission.

Kushina was doing the same as her son only she was telling every ghost they came across.

Sasuke however took the opportunity to disappear faster than Fugaku could say Avenge.

Appearing in his house Sasuke didn't even make past the front door before he collapsed to the ground for a long well deserved sleep.

"OI! Get the fuck up! You still have shit to do!" Fugaku yelled.

"Like?" Minato asked.

"Like judging my singing, duh" Hashirama joined.

"Bitch please, no one wants to hear your screeching, I was talking about evicting the fuckers acting like this is their village." Fugaku pointed out.

The other ghosts popped their heads outside and saw more ghosts than ever. All the new ones were following kids that didn't have a Konoha headband but instead ones from different places.

"Tch, idiot it's because the Chunin exams are in 2 weeks" Tobirama pointed out.

"Out, let him sleep he can deal with your craziness tomorrow" Mikoto sternly scolded.

All the ghosts floated out not willing to take on the rage of the Uchiha Matron.

Mikoto then borrowed a bit of Sasuke Chakra to make her torso and arms real and lifted up Sasuke.

The boy felt her warmth and immediately clung to it. Mikoto smiled before placing her son on his bed and going back into complete ghost mode.

Sasuke whimperd slightly at the loss of his mothers warmth which made Mikoto's heart break.

"I'm sorry son... but soon you will have to face this world without us..." Mikoto whispered before floating out of the room to let Sasuke sleep.

Sasuke then opened his eyes and let the tears run, he didn't want them to leave but even he knew they couldn't stay with him forever, so he would savour them while it lasted.

When morning came there was nothing Sasuke could do to stop Kushina from dragging the boy out of his bed.

He looked even more tired then the day before. The ghosts knew why but chose to keep quiet after all the issue would be solved soon.

Heading out for the day Team7 did an array of missions before Kakahsi finally had enough of Naruto's bitching and dipped.

Sasuke walked off before wither of them could ask anything but then Fugaku floated infront of Sasuke.

"STOP!!!" Fugaku yelled.

"What the hell is wrong with you" Tobirama asked his arms crossed as usual..

"I sense a disturbance in the force of badassness" Fugaku whispered.

"Umm.. that's not a word" Minato pointed out.

"Welp it is now" Hashirama said.

Fugaku then suddenly took over Sasuke's body and sped off the ghosts not too far behined.

He then stopped in a tree and looked down.

In te middle of the street across form Naruto, Konohamaru and Sakura was a red head, he had sunglasses on a chain around his neck and floated on a cloud of Sand. He wore a Shirt that said Bad Bitch, and a tattoo that meant love on his head.

Fugaku took this as a Challenge, still in Sasuke's body he now wore Sunglasses a Chain that said Try me, a shirt that said Badder that Eminem, and a gold watch on.

He then hopped infront of the red head before flipping his hair, tilting down the sunglasses and glaring at the red head with Sasuke's Sharingan.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked.

The red head hopped down from the cloud and popped a Chewing gum in his mouth.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked back.

Fugaku glared.

"I asked you first"

"I asked you Second"

The two were caught in a deep glare before suddenly Fugaku was forced out of Sasuke.

Sasuke then watched as another ghost was forced out of the red head, and both boys stood there dumbfounded at their current looks.

"What the Hell!" Fugaku and the other ghost yelled.

The red head looked up, Sasuke saw the boy looked just as tired as he did.

"What the fuck?" Sasuke asked.

"You two timing Bastard! I knew it was you!" Fugaku shouted at the red haired ghost.

"Oh I'm the Bastard! I always k we you had a stick up your ass!" The red head yelled back.

The two boys just watched the chaos.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha, that's my dad Fugaku" he said.

"Gaara Subakuu, and that's my dad , Rasa" Gaara introduced.

"DON'T ASSOCIATE WITH THE ENEMY!!!" Both father yelled out.

The two boys looked at the ghosts before looking at eachother.

"Wanna be friends?" Sasuke asked.

Gaara smirked and shook his hand.

Naruto, Sakura, Konohamaru, Teamri and Kankuro all looked at the pair confused as fuck about what just happened, but all chose to wisely ignore it.

Two devils had just met.

And both needed desperate sleep.



I got my first fanart!

I got my first fanart!

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Shout out to @Drakmoon123 Thanks a bunch!

Also! I've hit 1K followers!
So far I have been asked for three things!

And update for this book.

And update for I don't need Magic to kill.

And finally a Crack fic about a ship from Naruto.

So the first two have been done, but for the ship I need ideas people!

What ship are we doin? I tried asking in the other book but I'm getting weird responses, so I have faith.

Hope you enjoyed!

Ja ne!

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