Not more people!!

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Sasuke came too and was staring rather blandly at the gi- guy... he meant guy.

Ahem, at the guy infront of him who had an ice Senbon aimed at his throat.

Now between him and the ghosts Sasuke likes to think he is the more responsible on of them... but even he has his stupid moments.

"Listen bud, being tied up and threatened by a cross dresser isn't a kink of mine, so can I go home?" He asked.

Leaning slightly to the left he narrowly dodge the Senbon.

"Sasuke... what the fuck?" Minato asked.

The other ghosts got bored and Minato was nominated.... (threatened) to stay behined.

The wannabe elsa didn't say anything.

Soon Zabuza walked in and that opened a whole new can of worms.

"You lost us our money brat, I Should kill you for that" Zabuza said.

Sasuke scoffed, wishing he could run his hand through his hair...

Don't judge that shit is comforting.

"Bitch please, if I wanted more drama I would have gone to my dad." Sasuke said.

"Please don't say his name, he might actually appear" Minato muttered.

Zabuza and Haku only stared at this crazy kid.

"Hmm, well there is no escape, I'll make your death painfull." Zabuza said and evil grin on his face.

Minato merged with Sasuke, which freaked out the two in the room.

Sasuke's hair turned to a dark yellow and his eyes turned blue.

"Hn, I don't think you understand... I always have an escape" Sasuke replied.

And like that he had teleported to Tazuna's house.

He stormed into the room and dropped to the ground like a tonne of bricks.





At the dinner table, Sasuke had finished his food and had his head firmly planted on the table.

He could hear Naruto and the brat arguing about something he could give less than a shit about but there was something that caught his attention.

"You know nothing about pain, so stop acting like heroes and get lost!" The brat had shouted.

Sasuke's head shot up and each of the ghosts around Sasuke began to glare at the kid.

"Tch, and what do you know of pain? The worst thing you've felt is equivalent to that of a paper cut compared to others. Many have seen their whole clans massacred, many have seen thousands of Shinobi die before them many have nothing left but themselves. And you beleive that the loss of one man is greater than all that? Get off your high horse brat, there is always someone out there who has suffered more than you" Hashirama spoke through Sasuke.


What did you think Sasuke said all that? Please only reincarnations of Asura could come out with that shit.

"Ugh, I should slap this brat silly" Fugaku muttered.

"Where the hell is the ghost of this guy they're talking about anyway" Kushina said looking around.

"He probably moved on " Minato said.

"What about his family? He didn't want to watch over them?" Mikoto asked.

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