I'm Tired

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In the kitchen of the Main Uchiha house Fugaku, Mikoto and Itachi were seated at the table waiting for their 4 year old family member.

"Have you two noticed something off with Sasuke?" Fugaku asks, his morning coffee in his hand.

"Like what?" Mikoto asks.

"Like how he laughs at the air?" Itachi pointed out.

"Yes Itachi, things like that." Fugaku confirmed.

"No I haven't" Mikoto said placing down breakfast.

"Itachi go fetch your brother" Fugaku said.

Itachi nodded and headed off.


Upstairs with Sasuke the young boy is fast asleep in his room.

"Don't you think it's time he woke up," a certain Albino said.

"Naah, your always too tense brother, it's no wonder you never got a girlfriend , let him sleep, you know since he can see us it constantly drains his energy instead of his Chakra" the Second voice said.

"Yes but he needs to learn to live with it. How else will he be a functioning Shinobi nii-san" the first voice said.

"Look Tobirama just because your one of the few weirdos in this world who like to get up at the crack of dawn does not mean everyone else is." The second voice lectures.

"EXCUSE ME! I'm not a weirdo Hashirama, I'm the genius that made the Chunin exams!" Tobirama shouted back.

"Yes in a village where I wanted  kids to never have to fight for their lives again" the elder Senju replied filled to the brim with sass.

"Will you two put a lid on it" a calmer voice said.  The brothers looked over and saw a man with bright yellow hair, with a woman with Firery red hair next to him.

"Minato is right, honestly do you two idiots want to wake him up" the redette whispered harshly.

Minato just sighed.

Itachi walked into the room, effectively freaking the four extras out.

"Sometimes I forget they can't see us" the red head said.

"Same Kushina, same." Hashirama agreed.

Itachi lightly shook his brother.

"Come on Sasuke time to get up" Itachi said.

Sasuke opened his Onyx eyes, heavy bags layed beneath them. He tried to get up but was too tired and fell onto the floor.

Itachi picked up his brother and brought him downstairs.

Sasuke was just awake enough to process what was going on, he sat in his seat staring at the glass of juice  placed next to him.

He took a sip and looked at it, Sasuke then got up, grabbed the glass and walked over to Fugaku.

Fugaku looked at his son who now stood next to him holding a glass of juice, Sasuke signalled his father to come closer.

Fugaku raised and eyebrow but complied, almost Immedietly after he did, Sasuke swapped the juice with Fugaku's coffee, took a sip and walked off back to his seat with a satisfied look on his face.

"Sasuke, are you ok?" Mikoto asked watching the father son interaction in an odd awe.

"Hn" was the boys response before downing the coffee.

The four ghost watching have a sweatdrop at the scene.

"He needs sleep but he'll never get enough" a lighter female voice said.

"We know Rin, its irritating that we can't help, Ya Know?" Kushina said.

Sasuke looked up at the five ghost floating off to the side, first he looked at Rin, then Minato, Kushina, Hashirama, and finaly got into a stare down with Tobirama.

The family members watched Sasuke with caution, the ghosts with worry, but Sasuke wouldn't take his eyes off of Tobirama's.

"Father?" Sasuke suddenly said catching everyone off guard.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Tobirama was a Senju right?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes what about it?" Fugaku said looking at his son.

Sasuke stopped staring at Tobirama and looked at his father.

"Then why were his eyes red, I thought only Uchiha could do that?" He asked.

"Ah, umm Tobirama had red eyes for a reason unknown, but he didn't have the Sharingan, which is the type of red eyes we Uchiha possess, did his eyes looks something like this" Fugaku asked powering up his Sharingan.

Sasuke stared into his father's eyes, then looked at Tobirama, his father, Tobi, Ass,  Albino, Jerk, Stuck up.

"No they don't tha----nks " Sasuke replied yawning.

After the youngest Uchiha finished his  food he went out side.

"Now you mention it, I do see it" Mikoto said.

"Well he's going to the Academy next
Year so let's see How he does this year" Fugaku said drinking the Apple juice his coffee was swapped out for.

Itachi stood up and followed his brother, when he got out side he saw Sasuke trying to throw a Kunai at one of the targets.

"No Sasuke lift your arm up a bit" Tobirama said slightly lifting Sasuke's right arm.

"Yes, perfect now pull back" Minato said, showing Sasuke how to do so. The boy followed.

"Great, now when you throw put all of your strength into it, it's your first time so you will underestimate it, trust me don't hold back" Hashirama explained.

Sasuke gave a small nod. With his full strength threw the Kunai just like Minato Showed him and it sailed through the air and hit the inner ring.

Four out of five ghost where cheering, Tobirama just gave a proud look.

"Well done Ototou " Itachi said

Sasuke looked back at his brother, Itachi could have sworn the the bags under his eyes get darker everytime he sees them.

Sasuke gave a tired smile, grabbed the Kunai and the proceeded to hug his brother.

After a little more practice, Sasuke layed on the grass and looked at the calming clouds.

" 'TAAACHIIII!!!!" A loud voice shouted.

"Hi Shisui" Itachi said.

Said boy went off on a ranting spree. The Uchiha brothers and the five ghosts ignored him.

"Hey Minato, is it possible for me to use the flying Ryjinn?" Sasuke asked, the other Uhcihas were occupied at that moment.

"I don't see why not, but you will need, strength, speed, stamina and Chakra, since the war is over and you graduate at 12 we could start your training now" Minato said.

"Hmm I could help with Strength" Tobirama said.

"I'll do Chakra!" Hashirama Shouted.

"I guess that leaves speed to me" Minato laughed.

Sasuke closed his eyes listening to his surroundings.

"Thank you" this time both Uchihas heard.

"No Problem" everyone said.

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