Chinin exams 2

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"Hun, darling, babes... what on Jashin's earth are you wearing? Arm warmers? Ugh they are so last season. Come now your an Uchiha, represent!" Orochimaru stated

"That's what I've been telling him!" Fugaku yelled out.

"So no one is going to question that Orochimaru is acting like this?" Minato asked.

"Perhaps he's possessed?" Mikoto asked.

"Eurgh, who tf would want to possess him?" Shisui asked.

"No idea, possess him and find out" Tobirama stated.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked.

He had enough of listening to the ghosts, because let's be re they weren't going to say something useful.

"Hun, let's not act like we don't know what I'm after. So be a dear and hold still" Orochimaru stated.

"Or I could let a very pissed of 2nd Hokage possess me and see how you fair against him" Sasuke said.

Orochimaru blinked, maybe this kid was crazier than he was..... nah.

Orochimaru dashed at Sasuke who suddenly dissapeared, when Orochimaru found him again he was upsidedown on a tree branch.

His Sharingan were spinning widly, but the weirdest thing was that his black hair had now turned pure white.

"Hehehe... ignorant fool, you dare believe you can mess with me, I will allow you to witness how big of a mistake you have made. Now perish"  Tobirama spoke through Sasuke.

Four shadow clones appeared and placed a seal on four trees sealing Orochimaru inside of the barrier.

With the snap of his fingers water slowly began to fill up the seal area, making the water look like it was floating.

Once it was filled to the brim, Tobirama borrowed Sasuke's affinity and created electricity in the palm of his hands before placing it in the water and watched as he fried the snake over and over.

He then released Orochimaru from his water prison, but used the water to create two Massive water dragons and smashed them into Orochimaru which sent him flying out of sight.

Sasuke slowly went back to normal, but he fell down on one knee, he was exhausted, badly so.

Naruto and Sakura then appeared, and saw Sasuke almost fully drained so they grabbed him and moved on.

Minato, who had taken over a spare clone of Sasuke's returned to the group with the correct scrolls in hand, he gave them to Naruto, gave his son a warm smile and dissapeared.

Naruto thought that was freaky as fuck since it looked like Sasuke smiled at him.

The two dragged Sasuke to the tower and upon entering fell to the ground.

Naruto was sick of the stupid test and gave up on consequences, he pulled out the two scrolls and opened them both.

Iruka then appeared.

"Congats guys, you're the second team to pass the Chunin exams" Iruka praised them.

"Pass?" Sasuke's voice muffled from the ground.

"Yup, that's right you passed" Iruka repeated.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Sasuke yelled.

Shisui being Shisui decided to join him screaming, soon followed by Fugaku.

Sasuke then went and Sat in the corner, a depressed cloud floated over him.

Hashirama joined him and started to grow mushrooms, while Shisui and Fugaku continued to scream in the background.

Sakura grabbed the back of Sasuke's shirt and dragged him out.

Tobirama grabbed Hishirama, Mikoto slapped Fugaku silent, and Rin gave Shisui the scariest glare he had seen come from the girl which shut him up instantly.

"Sasuke? Are you ok?" Sakura asked, Naruto watched as he too was curious.

"Thanks for checking in, I'm still a peice of Garbage" Sasuke instantly responded.

Gaara, who was walking down the hall saw Sasuke being dragged by his teammate.

He sighed knowing what he had to do, but didn't like it.

"PATRICIA!!! Get it together we have a fight this weekend." Gaara yelled out.

Sasuke immediately shot up.

"Ahh! Stop I coulda drop my croissant!" Sasuke responded.

Gaara gave a small smile knowing that Sasuke was still as crazy as he was.

"So how did it go?" Gaara asked ignoring the two very confused teammates, and cackling ghosts.

"Mother trucker dude, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick" Sasuke responded.

Gaara let out a very light Chuckle before lifting Sasuke onto his back.

"Let's get some food, you'll feel better afterwards" he said marching off.

Naruto and Sakura watched the two go.

Unknowingly, Naruto spoke at the same time as the rest of the ghosts.

"Ship"  They all muttered.


Meanwhile, elsewhere Orochimaru sat up from the tree he was embedded in, he dusted off his clothes and wrung out his hair.

"Well that wasn't very cash money" he muttered.

He pulled out a pair pair of Sunglasses, and dissapeared in a swirl of leaves.


Can you tell that I was watching Vines while writing this.

In my defense they all seemed very appropriate.

Hope you enjoyed!

Ja ne!

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