Chapter 18: Thunderbolt! Lexi vs. Pan

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A/N: HELLO READERS! It's been awhile huh! I finally managed to get this chapter out after 5 months! That's... that's actually quite a long time...😬 Sorry about that 😅

Opening Theme: "LI(E)FE" by Coldrain

Ending Theme: "Spirit!!" by BAND-MAID

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Lightning struck throughout the never ending sea of black clouds as Lexi stood frozen in surprise, watching as a storm of wrath raged through Pan's teal green eyes.

"Is that... Pan?" Goten wondered through half-lidded shocked black eyes as he laid on the ground, not completely believing what he was seeing.

Eighteen couldn't help but chuckle as she hung off Krillin's shoulders. The golden blazing glow of Pan's Super Saiyan aura reflected off her pale blue eyes. Incredible...

Krillin was too shocked to react to his wife regaining consciousness.

"I don't believe it!" the former monk gasped. "She actually pulled it off!"

Small golden sparks of electricity rolled softly off Pan's form, her rage-filled teal green eyes pinning Lexi to the spot.

The look of shock on the two-tone haired female Saiyan's face slowly turned into furious annoyance, her purple eyes raging with intensity as she glared at Pan, a growl of contempt and hate rumbling loudly from her chest.

Pan's entire form was encased in shadows as yellow sparks of electricity danced around her, the warm golden glow of the Super Saiyan encasing her. Bits of debris rose from the heavily cracked crater she stood in, the ground quivering beneath her feet, as if intimidated by the anger and power that raged within her, her teal green eyes glowing ominously.

And then she was gone.

Lexi only had time to widen her eyes before a powerful fist buried itself into her left cheek, the Z-Fighters watching with shock as Lexi was sent barrelling off the cliff-face and soaring through the sky.

Lexi shot through the air before managing to stop her flight, snarling in shocked angry rage as blood rolled from her lips. She brushed a finger against her bottom lip, staring at the blood in stunned silence, before releasing a furious growl, her purple eyes wide with anger.

With an angry roar, a purple aura exploded around Lexi's form, creating fierce winds that swiped through the grassy fields below her.

She threw her arms back wide, roaring with outrage as two powerful spheres of energy burst to life in the palm of her hands. Thrusting her arms forward, the evil Saiyan unleashed one big purple blast that rocketed straight for the newly transformed Super Saiyan.

Pan's gold-blonde spiky locks flowed violently back as the large blast hurdled towards her, her teal green eyes wide with the unbridled rage that blazed within her.

The woman growled, before blurring out of sight just as Lexi's attack was nearly upon her, allowing the attack to rocket onwards, exploding mightily and taking a huge chunk out of the forest, setting it ablaze. Luckily Gohan and the others had managed to get high and far enough into the skies to avoid being caught in the explosion.

Lexi's eyes widened, looking up to see Pan barrelling down at her from the skies with a mighty roar.

The Super Saiyan's fist buried itself into Lexi's left cheek again, causing a momentary pause as raging teal green eyes bored into shocked evil purple eyes, before the power and impact behind Pan's punch created a powerful shockwave that sent Lexi rocketing violently into the grassy fields, creating a huge smoky explosion of dust and dirt.

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