Chapter 9: Grand Inferno

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A/N: Finally! Got another Chapter of Dragon Ball Legacy out! Sorry for the wait. Dragon Ball Super Broly was awesome by the way! I recommend watching it if anybody hasn't already. It's a really, really good film in my opinion. (It's also changed my opinion on Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan God. That's all I'll say on that. Don't wanna spoil anything.)

Opening Theme: "LI(E)FE" by Coldrain

Ending Theme: "Spirit!!" by BAND-MAID

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Smoke blew outwardly across the ground, which imploded under the force of Lynx's powerful sword as she brought it down on the quarter Saiyan.

After a tense pause, smoke surrounding her, Lynx straightened up and closed her eyes, resting the powerful sword on her right shoulder. The wide smile on her face turned into an amused little smirk with a cold edge to it.

"And who might you be?" the Neko questioned, looking over her shoulder to glare at the masked feminine figure standing behind her. Pan was sitting right beside the masked woman, staring up at her in shock.

"That is none of your concern," White Rose replied evenly. "But you can call me White Rose."

Lynx turned fully around to get a good look at the new arrival. "Well Rose, I would like my prey back."

"Sorry, but your prey is currently occupied," Rose shot back. Lynx's eyes narrowed in obvious irritation.

"Here," the masked woman drawled, never taking her eyes off the armored alien cat as she flicked something at Pan.

The quarter Saiyan snapped out of her shock, catching the object with quick reflexes. Her eyes widened as she opened her hand to find a very familiar aliment. A Senzu Bean?!

"Who are you?" Pan questioned incredulously, looking up at the masked woman.

"No questions. Just eat."

Pan frowned before popping the green bean into her mouth, her wounds healing almost instantly, the bruise on her stomach fading away.

Lynx raised a curious brow as Pan shot back up to her feet with a wide smile, completely rejuvenated and healthy. Oh? So they have wonder drugs on this mudball?

"Thanks!" Pan chirped in relief, her small canines showing as she smiled widely. "I would have been a goner if-"

"Tch." The masked woman let loose a cold snarl. "Shut up."

Pan froze and narrowed her eyes. Rose turned to glare at the quarter Saiyan, her pale blue eyes shining with rage and malicious intent through the mask she wore.

Pan's black eyes widened at the rage in Rose's eyes, the masked woman's striking blue eyes pinning her to the spot.

"Let's get one thing straight Pan Son," White Rose growled lowly. "I didn't save you because I wanted to. If she didn't, I would have gladly ran you through!"

Pan's eyes narrowed in anger at that, not missing the way the masked woman spat out her surname. Lynx cat-like blue eyes widened a bit at the exchange of hostile words, chuckling in amusement.

"My, my," the humanoid cat murmured. "It seems you have your own problems to deal with."

White Rose looked back at Lynx, her bubbling anger and irritation towards Pan quickly turning back to that cool, calm and silent demeanor.

"Get outta here," the masked woman said, her tone void of emotion, never taking her eyes off the amused Neko. "You're in my way."

An irritated scowl appeared on Pan's face, her fists clenched tightly at her sides as she glowered at White Rose. She really, really wanted to punch this woman in the face. So much so, she had to mentally try to reign in her anger before her ki reacted and exploded.

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