Chapter 2: Awakening

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A/N: Afternoon Readers! Here is the next Chapter of Dragon Ball Legacy! Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment ;)

Opening Theme: "Empty MERMAiD" by LiSA

Ending Theme: "Tomoni" by WANIMA

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It didn't take long for Trunks and Pan to snap out of their shock and run towards the young woman, while the others flew down to get a closer look.

"I cannot believe it," Vegeta gasped, staring down at the unconscious young woman in obvious surprise. "I haven't seen a female Saiyan in years!"

"Where could she have come from?" Bulla questioned curiously whilst looking at her father. "Didn't you say all the Saiyan women were wiped out?"

Vegeta glanced away from the unconscious woman to look at his youngest offspring. He did remember telling her that. While they had female Saiyans in the military ranks and purge units, most of the female Saiyans stayed on Planet Vegeta to provide food and take care of the children. All the Saiyans apart from himself, Goku and a few others were on Planet Vegeta the day Frieza destroyed it. All the female Saiyans were present also. So imagine his surprise at finding out that not only another full-blooded Saiyan avoided eradication at Freiza's hands, this Saiyan was also female.

Vegeta looked down at the mysterious woman. "I do recall saying that."

Pan turned the female Saiyan onto her back, looking over the older woman's wounds before looking up to stare at Trunks with a worried gaze. "She's in bad shape. We need to get her to Capsule Corp quickly!"

Trunks nodded in agreement, carefully putting his arms under the woman and lifting her up off the ground, ignoring the blood that began to soak through his clothes.

"I'll call mom and tell her the situation," Bulla told them, whilst fishing through her jeans pocket and pulling out her phone, walking away from the group.

"Goten, could you go home and tell mom what happened? She's gonna be worried about us," Gohan said to his youngest brother, who let out a pitiful whine in response.

"Aww but-" At the scathing look on Videl's face, Goten faltered before sighing in defeat. "Fine. I'll call Krillin and the others and let them know what happened also."

"Thanks Goten," Gohan replied with a grateful smile. Goten nodded begrudgingly before blasting off into the sky, heading back towards the mountains in a streak of white.

"Alright!" Bulla got everyone's attention, walking back towards the group as she placed her phone back in her pocket. "Mom's getting the rejuvenation chamber ready. Lets go."

The group leaped into the air and- "Hold it!"

The group looked back to see Vegeta frowning at them with his arms crossed.

"What's the hold up?!" Bulla yelled out. "We don't have time to be messing around dad! This lady needs help!"

Vegeta huffed before turning away from them. He glared down at the space-pod that the female Saiyan arrived in before uncrossing his arms and holding his right hand out towards the space-pod with his fingers spread out.

A small sphere of energy emitted from his out-stretched hand, sending alarm bells through the remaining group.

"We'd better get outta here!" Gohan exclaimed before hastily flying off with the remaining crew following close behind, heading west towards West City.

The blast of energy shot out of Vegeta's hand, firing off towards the empty space pod. The blast of energy impacted the space-pod with a resounding boom, engulfing the spacecraft in a fiery explosion. Vegeta glared down at the burning space-pod before flying off after the others.

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