Chapter 7: Kyringan

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A/N: HELLO READERS! The next Chapter is here! It seems a but shorter than the other ones but I hope that you enjoy this one! So without further ado... UNLEASH THE CHAPTERS!

Opening Theme: "Empty MERMAiD" by LiSA

Ending Theme: "Tomoni" by WANIMA

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Lynx smiled wildly as she flew through the sky, seemingly oblivious to the thoughts that threatened to consume Lexi, the Saiyan's silver eyes being shadowed by her black bangs as the robot holding her captive mindlessly followed the somewhat cheerful but just as troublesome Neko.

Worry and fear coursed through the only full-blooded female Saiyan in existence. It had been years since she had last had an up front confrontation with Clawness. She had spent years ducking and avoiding the tenacious Maine Coon and wanted to keep it that way. After what the green-eyed feline had put her through, seeing the woman after all these years wouldn't be healthy for her mental state.

A somber look appeared on Lexi's face. I've spent years jumping from planet to planet, trying to escape Clawness' clutches, but... I don't want to leave.

This was the first time she had ever thought that. Usually she'd have left without a second thought, not looking back. But now that she had found the remains of her nearly extinct race, she found herself unwilling to leave.

"Don't look so worried."

Lexi frowned and glared at Lynx who was now smirking back at the young Saiyan. "I don't know why you look so scared. Clawness only wants to utilize you to your full potential. You'll accomplish nothing sticking around those weaklings on this mudball."

Lexi scowled thickly. "If you think I'll let you assholes use me as some kind of puppet to do your dirty work, you're sadly mistaken! I want nothing to do with any of you!"

Lynx chuckled at that, finding the young woman's hostility amusing. "Too bad honey. You don't have a choice I'm afra-"

Lynx was cut off by the sight of a monstrous, blue dome-like explosion that erupted from the earth in the distance. Lynx's blue eyes widened in horror, gaping slightly at the destruction she was witnessing. Lexi fell deadly silent as the explosion created a large mushroom cloud that rose into the sky, the flashes of blue lightning that crackled inside the mushroom cloud reflecting off her wide silver eyes.

A powerful gale force of wind swiped across the area, buffeting against the two, forcing the exotic feline to cover her face.

Once the wind had past, Lynx lowered her arms, albeit shakily. That's where Lady Clawness is!

Lexi gulped, refraining from speaking. What the hell was that?!

The Saiyan and the Neko were so shaken by what they saw, that they never noticed Uub's masked companion White Rose watching them from below, controlled rage evident in her intense icy blue eyes.

. . . .

Pan soared through the sky in a streak of white, her black eyes widening when she caught sight of the large dome-like explosion from afar.

"What was that?" the quarter Saiyan wondered, covering her face when a powerful gust of wind buffeted against her.

Once it past, Pan sped up, worry evident on her facial features.

I'd better hurry! Whatever that explosion was couldn't be good!

. . . .

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