Chapter 5: Lion's Will

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A/N: Afternoon readers! Apologies for the long wait! But I've FINALLY got chapter 5 of Dragon Ball Legacy out! WHO'S EXCITED FOR THE NEW DRAGON BALL MOVIE?! CAUSE I AM! Super glad they're rebooting Broly. Hopefully he has a better backstory and character than just, "KAKAROT! KAKAROT! I HATE YOU BECAUSE YOU MADE ME CRY WHEN I WAS A BABY! ROOOOAAARRR!" *Sighs* So cool... But soooo fucking dumb!

Opening Theme: "Empty MERMAiD" by LiSA

Ending Theme: "Tomoni" by WANIMA

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A tense silence accompanied the harsh breeze as it blew through the ancient canyon, combing through Vegeta's black flame-like locks as he stood on a tall pillar, awaiting the arrival of his unknown opponents that had landed moments ago. The Saiyan's eyes were closed, and his strong biceps were crossed over his chest, welcoming the silence.

They had trespassed on his territory, his planet, with the intention of taking his own. If they were thinking he was going to come to them, they were sadly mistaken. He is the Prince of all Saiyans! He wasn't moving from this spot unless it was necessary! If they wanted to pick a fight so badly, they can come to him! Not the other way round!

He vehemently ignored the impatient tapping of his fingers against his right bicep, and stomped out that animalistic part of him, his inner Saiyan that wanted to hunt down those that dared to think they could just come and take any of his kin, especially someone as vital and important as Lexi. The only breathing, living female full blooded Saiyan in existence...

There was no way he was letting anybody take her! NO WAY!

Vegeta growled lowly, stamping out his inner Saiyan's rage for the moment. Normally he'd act on his inner instincts without a second thought, but his royal blood was snarling at him to stay put. A prince doesn't go to those that are beneath him. He lets them come to him. So stay put he shall.

Vegeta slid his eyelids open, a scowl on his face as he looked up and glared at the beings floating above him, three in total.

Clawness smiled down at the Saiyan, Scratchy and Lynx floating on either side of her, staring down at Vegeta in curiosity.

Vegeta uncrossed his arms with a huff. "It's about time you showed up."

Clawness chuckled, her large feather-like tail swaying from side to side in amusement. "Oh? Were you waiting for us?"

Vegeta didn't comment, glaring up at the trio, making the feline chuckle. Her smile widened into an amused grin, her green eyes twinkling as they bored down at him through her hood. "Fate is an interesting little thing, wouldn't you agree?"

When Vegeta didn't reply, Clawness continued, holding her arms outward in a nonchalant manner. "To think the girl would find her way to you."

At this Vegeta narrowed his eyes. "What the hell are you going on about?"

Clawness smiled wildly in response, her sharp canines glistening in the daylight.

"You don't think I don't know who you are?" Vegeta stiffened at the way Clawness said that, cold dark amusement rolling off her lips.

"The fallen prince of an extinct race of ruffians, Prince Vegeta," Clawness drawled, not missing the irritated twitch in the prince's right eye as he scowled up at the smug feline.

Scratchy's eyes twinkled at Clawness' revelation, his green white-tipped tail flicking in excitement.

"Seriously?!" he exclaimed loudly, his smirk widening in battle-crazed glee. "The Prince of all Saiyans?! THAT Vegeta?!"

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