Chapter 10: Lexi and Clawness

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A/N: Hello readers! SaiyanGod101 back with another chapter. It's been since February since I updated a new chapter of this story. Sorry bout that. Honestly I'm just glad I managed to get something out. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter cuz I really enjoyed writing this one.

Opening Theme: "LI(E)FE" by Coldrain

Ending Theme: "Spirit!!" by BAND-MAID

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Lexi looked on as Clawness and Pan glared at each other. She couldn't see what the look on Pan's face was at this moment, but judging by the ferocious look in Clawness' eyes, and the way the quarter Saiyan's shoulders tensed up, she could make a few guesses.

She's serious, Lexi thought as she stared at Pan's back.

"S-Stop her..."

Lexi looked down to find Vegeta struggling to even move, his eyes trained on the quarter Saiyan, a rare look of faint worry on his face.

"Whoa easy!" Lexi exclaimed, reaching down to keep the Saiyan Prince steady.

"You... you mustn't let Pan fight Clawness," Vegeta croaked out, pain racking through his body as he glared at the fiery feline.

"Why not?" Lexi questioned.

"Because she'll kill her," Rin cut in, uncaring as she watched the silent stare down between the Neko and the quarter Saiyan, her arms crossed.

Lexi stared up at the woman, before rising to her feet, making sure to keep the Saiyan Prince steady. She looked back at Pan, worry starting to gnaw at her.

Blue flames flickered against Clawness' skin as she frowned in annoyance at the quarter Saiyan. "Do you truly intend on fighting me?"

"If you think I'm just gonna step aside then you're sadly mistaken," Pan replied evenly.

Clawness hummed, her lips twitching upwards in faux amusement, irritation shining through her bright blue eyes. "Is that so? And with that measly battle power?"

Pan smirked.

In the next moment the Saiyan teen was upon Clawness, her fist colliding with the Neko's flaming forearm. The ground cracked beneath the feline's feet, making Clawness' vibrant blue eyes narrow as they made eye contact with Pan's black angry orbs.

Pan suppressed a wince as Clawness' flames burned through her fingerless gloves, fearlessly kicking and punching at the much taller woman, who silently blocked and evaded the teenager's strikes, snarling faintly when the Quarter Saiyan's left fist grazed her left cheek.

Clawness swiped away a right punch, making Pan's eyes widen. The feline spun, the flames on her right leg cutting through the air as she attempted to kick the young girl's head off. However Pan flipped back, narrowly avoiding the spinning flame kick and back-flipped away from the fiery Neko.

"Measly huh?" the quarter Saiyan growled as she slammed her fists together, which lit up with energy.

"I'll show you measly!" Pan shot forward with a burst of speed, catching Clawness by surprise as the quarter Saiyan launched her ki-infused fist at the flaming cat.

Clawness quickly got her arms up in an 'x' formation, Pan's fist slamming into her defence with such force that a fierce wind blew outwardly from the impact, dust flying everywhere.

The Neko smiled through her crossed arms, making the quarter Saiyan's black eyes widen at a sudden surge in battle power. The blue flames that licked harmlessly across Clawness' skin suddenly ignited into one huge explosion, Pan crying out in pain as she got caught up in the large blast.

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