Chapter 12: Burst of Power! Pan vs. Clawness!

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A/N: Afternoon readers! Saiyan God.101 has returned! It's been awhile since I last got a chapter out for this story. November of last year in fact! Yikes! Sorry about that! But FINALLY! I managed to get this chapter out, so ENJOY!

Opening Theme: "LI(E)FE" by Coldrain

Ending Theme: "Spirit!!" by BAND-MAID

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The sound of metal striking metal at a rapid pace was heard throughout the rocky barren battlefield of Gizard Canyon, sparks flying as Lynx clashed with White Rose in a vicious dance of swordplay.

The masked vigilante struck with her duel blades in a silent dance, but Lynx parried and blocked all her attempts with ease, a calm grin on her face as she blocked a right strike and booted White Rose away. Sliding to a stop, the pale blue eyes of Rose widened slightly as the Neko disappeared from her line of sight in a gold flash.

In the next moment, the masked woman found herself being sent flying into the side of a cliff after attempting to block the heavy sharp blade of Lynx's great-sword, smoke blowing outwardly from the impact.

A moment later, Rose shot out of the smoke and above Lynx, barrelling down at the alien cat.

A shockwave burst throughout the canyon as Lynx lifted the giant sword, clashing with the slim blade of White Rose's right katana, the ground cracking beneath the feline's feet.

"Good," the armored Neko complimented as a cheshire grin began to slip onto her face, her blue eyes wide with crazed intensity as the power of her Imperial Arts coursed through her veins. "But not good enough!"

The great-sword that Lynx possessed was engulfed in a gold aura, the crest and runes that decorated it glowing dangerously, before with a simple flick of her blade, Rose was sent flying through the air.

Without missing a beat, the masked woman tucked her legs in and back-flipped through the air, gracefully planting her feet onto the side of a cliff.

Rose only had a second of reprieve, before Lynx appeared instantly on her right with a dark cheshire grin on the feline's face, holding her blade over her head as she stood on the side of the cliff. The rocky wall cracked beneath the bipedal cat's feet from the heavy impact, smoke collecting around her feet as she swung her great-sword down on White Rose.

The masked woman managed to block the strike by crossing the blades of her katanas in front of her, but the power behind Lynx's attack still sent the blue-eyed woman crashing through the cliff and out the other end, slamming into the ground in a smoky explosion.

The smoke cleared steadily to reveal the masked hooded woman on one knee, the blades of her swords stabbed into the ground as she panted.

"You have skill and grace."

Lynx walked out of the huge cloud of dust, the cliff collapsing behind her, a small smirk on her face as she rested the giant blade on her right shoulder.

Rose pulled her blades from the ground as she stood, her blue eyes narrowing at the Neko. She then released a sharp grunt of pain, her blue eyes wide as Lynx closed the distance before the masked woman realized, burying her left foot deep into Rose's gut with enough force and power behind it to send the blue-eyed woman flying back.

Lynx landed with all the grace of a cat, whilst Rose slammed into the side of a cliff-face in a smoky explosion that engulfed her.

"But you lack the power and speed to match me and my King Leo in battle!" Lynx exclaimed with a crazed smile, her voice booming throughout the area as a sphere of gold energy formed in her free hand, hurling the intense ball of energy towards where Rose had crashed.

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