Chapter 3: Lexi

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A/N: Evening Readers! Here is the next Chapter of Dragon Ball Legacy! I'm not completely sure about this chapter but I'll let you, the readers, be the judge of that! Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment ;)

Opening Theme: "Empty MERMAiD" by LiSA

Ending Theme: "Tomoni" by WANIMA

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The female Saiyan sat in the couch of the living room, wearing the new clothes that Bulma had provided for her.

She wore a red off-the-shoulders jumper that had long sleeves and hugged her hips, along with a pair of black skin tight pants and a pair of black ankle-high heeled boots. Her long brown tail was curled neatly around her tummy.

The woman had her right arm resting on the arm of the couch, her eyes closed and turned away from Trunks, who was sat on the other side of the couch. Her brow furrowed in annoyance, indicating her irritation at what happened earlier and at being stared at.

Trunks glared at her from the corner of his eye, frowning in irritation as a bruise began to form under his left eye. Being blasted with an energy blast was not what he expected. He also didn't envision being punched in the face by a naked full blooded Saiyan female, but here we are. Because of this woman - who had one heck of a mean right hook - his house now had a huge hole in it, that he knew his mother was going to force him to fix. Trunks scowled comically as he continued to glare at the female Saiyan, who purposely ignored him, though her left brow did begin to twitch in rising irritation.

Bulla sighed in exasperation at the tension whilst Pan simply face-palmed, shaking her head with a groan. Videl giggled, finding the scene amusing, while Gohan shook his head, a nervous smile on his face.

Bulma walked in with a sigh. "Well... looks like I'm gonna have to fix the door of the healing chamber... again."

The Saiyan blushed slightly at her recklessness and opened her mouth, wanting to apologize for breaking Bulma's property, only for her words to be caught in her throat at the sight of the scowling man stood just behind Bulma, her silver eyes widening. "P-Prince Vegeta?!"

"Staring is rude girl," Vegeta retorted evenly.

"S-Sorry, I-I-I didn't mean to..."

Vegeta simply rolled his eyes at the woman's stuttering and flustered state. "Calm down. What's your name?"

"Lexi O'N-"

"Don't go telling people that you don't trust your patronymic name!" Vegeta exclaimed, his eyes widening slightly. "Didn't your parents teach you better than that?!"

"Ass..." Lexi muttered with a pout.

"Wait a minute... Saiyans have last names?" Bulma questioned, staring at Vegeta with a raised eyebrow.

Vegeta's eyes widened, suddenly feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. "Y-Yes... some do..."

Bulma frowned. "And I didn't know this because...?"

"I... well..." Vegeta crossed his arms, looking away from the woman with a scoff. "A Saiyans' last name means a great deal. It's like a true name. I can't just go uttering that to any person."

"I'm your wife Vegeta! I should know these things!"

"Yeah...! Well...! You never asked!"

"I can't believe this!" Bulla growled, glaring at her parents with an annoyed snarl. "Are you saying that I could have had a proper surname instead of... of B-Briefs?!"

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