Chapter 8: Imperial Lynx

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A/N: Happy 2019 folks! Sorry for the long wait! It was a bitch to get this chapter out! Excited to see the new Dragon Ball movie! It hasn't come out in the UK yet, but I can't wait to see it! It looks awesome! So NO spoilers, kay? OKAY! I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter!

Opening Theme: "Empty MERMAiD" by LiSA

Ending Theme: "Tomoni" by WANIMA

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Shockwaves destroyed the ground and thundered throughout the skies as Scratchy and Uub continued to do battle, a stony look on Uub's face as he continued to duck and weave his way through Scratchy's furious flurry of scratches and kicks, the male Neko getting increasingly frustrated as Uub kept evading his assault.

Uub caught the Neko's next strike by the wrist, the alien cat's glowing green claws an inch away from his face. Uub punched the cat in the stomach, making him hunch over with a brief cry of pain, before the green-furred feline was launched out of the sky and through a range of tall pillars with a ki blast to the stomach.

The long trail of smoke that enveloped the area was followed by a large explosion that rocked the canyon, thick smoke drifting into the air.

The tanned warrior stared down intently at the trail of thick black smoke that wafted throughout the area, his dark eyes watching with intensity, waiting for Scratchy to pop back up out of the smoke.

"Holy crap!" Goten exclaimed from where he saw a glimpse of the battle, surprise evident on his face. The half-breed ducked a metal fist and blasted the last of the robot army to smithereens, dust and mechanical parts littering the area. "Uub's gotten stronger!"

"Pan was really struggling with that guy?" Yamcha questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Cuz' it looks like Uub is about to make short work of this fur-ball!"

"Don't be a fool." The group looked at Bulla, who was looking at Yamcha with a scrutinising Vegeta-like scowl, her blue eyes drilling into him from her peripheral vision. "If this pathetic display was his full power, Pan wouldn't have struggled so much."


"She's right." Gohan stared at where Scratchy had crashed with a calculating gaze, everyone's attention now on him. "Pan's still relatively new to this. Give her more time. But in regards to this guy... yeah, no way this is the full extent of his power."

The Z-Fighters eyes suddenly widened as a sudden explosion of energy slammed into their sixth sense like a drum, a powerful breeze swiping through the canyon. The ground trembled quietly underneath their feet, just enough for them to notice. In the very far distance, a speck of blue light shone against the land before disappearing just as fast as it appeared. An eerie silence hovered over the group of warriors as the strange phenomenon past over them.

"W-What the hell was that?!" Krillin exclaimed.

"It was a ki blast," Eighteen murmured, her icy blue eyes zeroing in on the direction that blue speck of light had been visible. "And a powerful one at that."

"What could produce something that powerful?" Goten wondered in worry.

"It came from where Vegeta is," Tien confirmed with narrowed eyes. "It's where Lexi is being taken."

"Damn. He's gotta be in one heck of a fight if he's throwing around powerful attacks like that," Trunks commented, his brow creasing in concern and worry.

Bulla couldn't help but narrow her eyes in suspicion at this. Something tells me that wasn't dad...

Uub perked up at the explosion of energy, staring into the direction that massive explosion of light had come from. His dark eyes widened with horror as he floated in the sky. No... she didn't! Don't tell me Rin used Kyringan! What is she thinking?!

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