Chapter 4: The Strongest Human

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A/N: WOO! Finally, Chapter 4 is here! A bit of action in this chapter before a certain group of cats turns everything upside-down! Hope you all enjoy it. And apologies for the slight delay. I probably would have gotten this chapter updated last night but MY OLD MAN TURNED OFF THE INTERNET WHILE I WAS EDITING! GAH!


Well that's enough talking from me! ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!!

Opening Theme: "Empty MERMAiD" by LiSA

Ending Theme: "Tomoni" by WANIMA

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Lexi looked down with a soft smile as she flew over the big blue ocean, just behind Bulla and Pan, the white auras that surrounded them streaking across the sky as they flew. It has been roughly a week since the full-blooded Saiyan had landed on earth, and it was safe to say that she has gotten to know everybody better, as well as open herself up more in turn.

The young woman now wore a fresh change of clothes after Bulma and Bulla insisted on taking her shopping. Luckily for her, Pan had also come along to make sure they didn't go overboard or overwhelm her.

Lexi now had her own room, having taken the spare bedroom inside Capsule Corp, with her own clothing that fit her style of wear.

The female Saiyan now wore a black white-trimmed shirt with a high collar, opened up just enough to expose a bit of her cleavage. She also wore a pair of black leggings, that had an orange flame design crawling all over her legs, the tips of the flames crawling up her thighs, blazing in a bright yellow colour, and was tucked into a pair of ankle-high heeled boots and wore dark denim shorts with white fur trimmings over the leggings.

A red sash was wrapped securely around her shirt, with a knot tied in the middle. Her brown tail whipped freely through the air, the fur on her extra limb standing up as a cool breeze combed through it.

As she flew through the bright blue skies of planet Earth, Lexi couldn't help but remember the conversation she had with Bulla and Pan.

. . . .



Lexi stared at Pan and Bulla in shock, all three relaxing in the large backyard of Capsule Corp. She sat up from where she sat in one of the beach chairs near the large pool. "Frieza was defeated by a Saiyan?!"

"Yep!" Pan replied, looking back at Lexi in amusement. She was sitting at the edge of the swimming pool with her bare feet resting in the clear water. "My grandpa Goku was the one to do it."

The long haired woman then placed a finger on her chin in thought. "... I think his Saiyan name was Kakarot? That's what Vegeta always called him anyway..."

"Kakarot?" Lexi mused whilst cocking her head to the side, her tail twitching freely in curious wonder. She couldn't help but feel like the name was familiar...

"Technically my brother also offed Frieza."

Bulla's voice snapped Lexi out of her thoughts, making the full-blooded Saiyan do a double-take, staring at the younger woman with wide silver eyes.

"What?! How! I thought Pan's grandpa already killed Frieza! Don't tell me that idiotic purple haired punk is stronger than Frieza?!" she exclaimed in shock.

"Hey! Who are you calling a punk?! And I told you it's lavender!"

Lexi spun around, irritation clear on her face as she glared at the blue eyed boy, who was walking out of the main building, glaring at the full-blooded Saiyan in equal annoyance.

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