Chapter 6: Newcomers

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A/N: HELLO READERS! Yes I'm back with another chapter of Dragon Ball Legacy! I am alive! I didn't disappear! I didn't go into hiding! I'm good! And actually, this is a double chapter because I am so terribly guilty that it took so long to get these Chapters out! But they are finally here! It took a while! And I'm still not completely sure that they are up to par! But what matters is that they are here and you guys can finally get to read them. I'll let you guys decide whether these two chappy's are good or not! To be honest I'm just so happy I managed to finally get something out. The struggle is real people! So without further ado... UNLEASH THE CHAPTER!"

Opening Theme: "Empty MERMAiD" by LiSA

Ending Theme: "Tomoni" by WANIMA

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"Destructo Disc!"

A spinning disc of energy whizzed through the air, cutting through three robots like butter, causing them to explode violently, making the rocky terrain shake beneath Krillin's feet.

The former monk panted in exhaustion, wiping the sweat from his brow as he tried desperately to scan the area that was now clouded in smoke from the explosion he had caused.

"I'm getting too old for this," he grumbled to himself. The ground shook violently beneath his feet as a large shadow fell over him. Krillin slowly turned around, eyes widening in fear at the large bot looming over him with its large arm pulled back.

How'd he sneak up on me!

A boot suddenly punctured through the side of the bots head, cleaving clean through the metal exterior, causing sparks of electricity to crackle violently.

"Eighteen!" Krillin exclaimed in relief as she pulled her foot out, leaving a large crackling hole in the machine's head and leaped away from the bot, who's head promptly exploded, its body falling back, motionless.

Eighteen watched as the bot's body exploded, cloaking the area in even more smoke and debris, before turning to her husband with a frown, her pale blue eyes boring down on him with a scrutinising glare. "You need to stay focused Krillin."

The small man chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Right. Sorry."

An explosion caught their attention, just in time to see a bot shooting out of a large plume of smoke with its clawed arm missing, slamming repeatedly across the ground before eventually sliding to a stop.

Bulla shot out of the large plume of smoke, backflipping through the air and viciously slamming her feet into the large machine's ribs, her teal green eyes glowing with feral intensity, growling as the bot cracked, snapped and shattered beneath her feet.

With an emphatic stamp of her feet that cleaved clean through the bot's body, Bulla pushed off the remains of the bot, shooting through the air with a rage-filled roar, slamming her fist into the face of a bot, sending the robot bouncing off the ground and slamming into a pillar where it exploded upon impact, taking the pillar with it.

Bulla landed on the ground, her wide, ferocious glowing green orbs creating teal green glowing streaks as she step-sided two missiles, shooting past her and exploding behind her, the fierce winds from the explosion buffeting against her and running through her glowing tied up blonde locks.

The woman shot forward in a streak of gold, slamming her fist into the gut of the bot that had shot missiles at her, making it hunch over her, before sending the bot flying into a rocky wall with a powerful side kick.

Bulla turned sharply, snarling as two more robots advanced towards her. Damn it! They just keep coming!

Meanwhile Trunks and Goten found themselves being stared down by four robots.

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