Chapter 19: Raging Thunder vs. The Kamehameha

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A/N: Hello readers! SaiyanGod101 here with another NEW chapter of Dragon Ball Legacy! ENJOY!

Opening Theme: "LI(E)FE" by Coldrain

Ending Theme: "Spirit!!" by BAND-MAID

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"I'm going!" Bulla snapped angrily. "Now let me go!"

"Hell no!" Krillin exclaimed as both he and Tien struggled to restrain the half Saiyan.

They had landed in an empty clearing, distancing themselves from the battle between Pan and Lexi. They were far enough away that they won't be a distraction, but were close enough to feel the ground tremble beneath their feet.

"Pan needs my help!" Bulla roared, her blue eyes wide with desperation and fury that they wouldn't let her aid her best friend. "That traitor nearly killed us! She can't beat her alone!"

"That's enough!" Bulla fell silent, glaring at her father as he approached her with a frown. "Calm down!"

Krillin and Tien breathed a sigh of relief as they let the girl go.


"Bulla..." Trunks called out, staring into the distance with an intense look on his face. He was looking in the direction where everyone knew Pan was fighting with Lexi. "We have to trust her."

Bulla sighed and looked at her father with extreme worry. "Can she win?"

Vegeta's response was silence. Bulla growled lowly and stomped off into the forest.

"Where are you going?!" Bulma exclaimed. Bulla didn't answer and disappeared within the trees.

Bulma looked to go after her, but Chi-Chi placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her. "Let her cool off."

Bulma sighed, extremely worried about her daughter, before glaring at Vegeta. "You could have at least lied to her! Tell her Pan was gonna win!"

Vegeta huffed, a touch insulted. "I maybe a Saiyan but I'd never go so low as to do that! I have standards!"

Sure you do... was what everyone thought as they stared at him with a deadpan expression.

Gohan glanced at the direction where he could feel Pan's energy.

Win Pan. You have to win.

. . . .

Rage and sorrow blazed deep within Pan as she glared at the smirking woman stood before her, her Super Saiyan aura blazing intensely around her.

"Get out of her did you say?" the possessed Lexi quipped, her now red eyes twinkling with dark amusement, releasing a wicked chuckle from behind her hand. "I'm sorry child, but no can do."

Red eyes narrowed as she stared at the angry Super Saiyan.

"This monkey belongs to me."

Pan's teal green eyes shrank with deep-seated rage and hatred, and within mere seconds, she had broken the distance between herself and the possessed Lexi, her fist connecting with Lexi's arm, the power and strength behind it causing the ground to crack beneath Lexi's feet, smoke blowing back intensely as the cracks shot along the earth rapidly.

Lexi smirked, her wide red eyes boring into Pan's wrathful teal-green eyes.

The female Super Saiyan kicked and punched at Lexi at a furious pace, roaring in anger as Lexi blocked and evaded her strikes until she shifted to Pan's left when she attempted to punch her, grabbing the woman's outstretched left wrist with her right hand and pulling her in, kneeing the woman hard in the stomach, before spinning and sending the female Super Saiyan flying back with a vicious kick to the abdomen.

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