Chapter 20: The Fighting Sun

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FINALLY! At LAST! It's the last chapter of Dragon Ball Legacy! I enjoyed rebooting this story. I hope it you all enjoyed it more than the previous version! Check out the Author's Note after this chapter to find out what's next!

Opening Theme: "LI(E)FE" by Coldrain

Ending Theme: "Spirit!" by BAND-MAID

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Vegeta frowned. All was quiet now. Smoke poured out throughout the forest that surrounded the Paozu Mountains.

"I think that was a Kamehameha blast..." Krillin noted.

"It was. And a powerful one at that," Eighteen confirmed.

"I don't like this silence," Gohan muttered. "It's making me uneasy."

"Don't say that. Now you're getting me worried," Chi-Chi added, her worry for her granddaughter intensifying.

"I didn't think Pan had it in her," Yamcha commented, still shocked that the young woman had managed to transform.

"There was always a possibility," Tien said. "We just didn't think it would happen like this."

"Nobody saw Lexi turning on us," Bulma muttered sadly. "I just don't get it. How did it get like this..."

Vegeta glanced at his wife, silently wondering the same thing. He too wanted answers.

Bulla growled and began to walk away from the group, catching Vegeta's attention. "And where do you think you're going?"

"All this standing around is driving me insane," she snarled, not stopping her trek. "I'm going to find Pan and get her out of here."

"Are you insane?!" Trunks snapped. "We don't know if the battle is even over yet!"

"I don't care," Bulla retorted. She glared back at her brother. "You felt it. She put everything into that last attack. I'm not leaving her alone and vulnerable."

And with that Bulla disappeared into the forest, making Trunks scowl with frustration.

"Follow her." Trunks looked back at his father in surprise, who hadn't taken his eyes off the crash scene. "She may need you."

The lavender haired boy nodded and then wordlessly chased after his younger sister.

"Will they be okay?" Bulma asked.

"They'll have to be," Eighteen said.

. . . .

Pan sat on her knees, looking up at the starry sky as everything fell into an eerie silence. The smoke cleared to reveal a mile-long trench of dirt, the earth having been split apart by Pan's Kamehameha.

Pan stared at the miles of cut earth, barely reacting as she didn't even have the strength or energy to do that right now. Did I really do all that?

Pan winced as pain shot through her body from simply trying to move. "Ow... not trying that again!"

The Saiyan opened her eyes. "I really went crazy huh."

It was at that moment that a dark and sickening presence suddenly began to overtake the natural peaceful aura of the Paozu Mountains, making Pan's eyes widen with dread. W-What the...

The mountain that Lexi had crashed into suddenly imploded, being obliterated by a pillar of deep crimson, blowing fierce angry winds in Pan's direction.

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