Chapter 11: Gate of the Unkown

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Good Evening readers! FINALLY! After six months I, Saiyan God.101, have finally updated another chapter of this story! PHEW! It was a drag to get this one out! But I finally have! And I'm happy! I hope y'all are enjoying all the anime that has come out this year. Also hope y'all are enjoying the new Pokemon game! There isn't much to say except sorry for taking so long. So I hope y'all like this chapter! ENJOY!

Opening Theme: "LI(E)FE" by Coldrain

Ending Theme: "Spirit!!" by BAND-MAID

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Where am I...

What happened... I'm I dead?

Black eyes slowly opened, finding themselves staring up into what looked like a dark cloudy sky, red lightning flashing through the clouds.

Pan slowly sat up, her eyes wide as she looked around. She looked down at where Clawness had stabbed her flaming claws right through her abdomen, frowning when she found no wound or scarring. Just a plain black dress that reached past her knees. 

The young Saiyan was confused as to why she was wearing a dress, but didn't think too much on it. The teenage girl stared down at the glowing white ground, resting her arms on her bent knees. She easily noticed the cracks in the glowing floor, noticing how it was continuing to crack bit by bit.

"I really am dead aren't I..." the young Saiyan mumbled silently. She gritted her teeth in heartbreaking frustration, trying to keep herself from sobbing, tears sliding down her face. A dry chuckle escaped her, drying her eyes with her arm. "Man, I'm pathetic."

The quarter Saiyan rose to her feet, looking up at the thunderous cloudy sky with a touch of confusion.

"So if I am dead, is this... hell?" she asked herself, tilting her head with a raised eyebrow, red lightning flashing dangerously close to the ground, creating a red glow against her face.

"Nah... but you are super lucky! I don't think something like this has happened before!"

Pan's eyes widened as she froze in complete shock. She hasn't heard that voice in such a long time.

The black-haired girl slowly turned around, her eyes widening to the size of saucers at the sight of the familiar black spiky hair she remembered so fondly.

"Yo Pan!" Goku, once the strongest man in the universe and Pan's grandfather, greeted her with a cheerful wide smile. "It's been a long time!"

More tears, almost failing to stop, slid down Pan's face as she stared at the full-blooded Saiyan in stunned silence, her tearful eyes wide.

"G... Grandpa...?"

. . . .

Krillin slowly opened his eyes as the ground beneath him shuddered violently in response to a huge explosion, finding himself lying prone on the rocky ground. Around him was nothing but destruction, his friends in agony and pain. His clothing, that was definitely not made for fighting were ragged, with ripped holes in his tracksuit bottoms. "G-Gohan..."

Gohan panted heavily, blood dripping from the wound on his head, the top half of his gi completely destroyed, exposing his bruised chest. He had to pull himself up with an upturned boulder behind him to steady himself, pain running through his entire body. An agonized chuckle escaped his lips. "Y-You're a monster..."

"HA! Look who's talking!"

Scratchy landed in front of the Saiyan, a fanged smirk on the feline's face. "You should be dead by now."

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