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I couldn't help but feel the stimulating prickles on my back as Ash's gaze drifted my way yet again. The overpowering sense that my mate was staring at me, checking me out, as I dribbled the ball between my feet was arousing.

The earbuds plugged into her ears surely drowned out all of the sound, and yet, her attention drifted to me.

Her hair was down today, which was by far my favorite. The high pony a close second.

Paired with the white sweatshirt, making the golden hues come out even more made me dizzy.

I can't stop the smile on my face as I turn downfield, raising my hand for a pass. Ronnie doesn't even need to look up to know where I am. Sage is already running as I receive, ready for whatever I throw his way.

The newly restored beta bond thrums inside of me.

My smile grows as all of the pieces of my life are coming into place.

I had worked up the courage all night to leave my notes in the library. My stomach still turned over in uncertainty. Had she taken them? Or was she to stubborn and proud to accept my help?

Sidestepping Luke, his grey eyes reading the movement a second too late, his reflexes no match for my speed, I shoot the ball to Sage, which makes a solid connection with his feet.

I slow my pace as Sage moves the rest of the way towards the goal and almost too easily puts it in.

"Damn." Luke says behind me.

I look back at him and scowl. "What."

He smiles at me. "I couldn't keep up with you that time either."

My scowl deepens. I didn't like this dude. "And this is new to you?"

Luke's smile brightens. "I'm getting better and reading your movements. Before you left me in the dust. Now, I'm right by your side."

As he points this out, I realize that it is true and that makes anger pulse through my veins. "You still can't stop me."

"True." He states. I think that the conversation is over so I turn and begin to walk away. "But I can predict your moves and be ready to counter them."

I look back at him, head over my shoulder. His eyes flick to the sidelines where Ash sits on the grass. She fiddles with a blade of grass in her fingertips.

"As in, if you were to make a move, I would make a counter move." Luke says and turns away from me, walking away without a glance back.

I look towards Ash again.

He was going to cockblock me.

I let a smile grow on my face again. Some human boy thought he had a one up on me. We would see about that.

As the ball gets placed in the center of the field, Luke's team getting ready to start again, Sage comes up to me. "I know that look." He says lowly, almost like he is warning me.

I give him a bright smile. "What look?"

"What are you planning?" Sage asks cautiously.

I look back toward Luke and study his movements. "Sage I don't have a look."

"Whatever you say." Sage mumbles and steps away from me as the ball is put into play.

Grinning, I started down the field at a run.


I needed to give Luke more credit.

While it was no secret that he was not my favorite human, he was actually really intelligent and agile.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now