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Hey Guys. I debated on posting these chapters today, as of all of the events happening in my home - Minneapolis, MN. There's a post on my page if you would like to hear my thoughts. But I decided to go ahead with my plan in posting these today as I feel that it could be a welcome distraction for some of you.

I stand by you. Let your voices be heard.

Stay Safe. Stay Strong.

Ashlyn Jesse

Sage stayed by my side as we walked to gym. He let me be quiet, which I was eternally grateful for. We went into the separate locker rooms. I crept into one of the tiny bathroom stalls to change.

I peeled off my leggings and put on the shorts, seeing if they covered the bruises. I sighed and leaned my head against the side of the stall. Not even slightly. Though they did cover the majority of my bruises, the worst of them, the soft purple and blue peppered down my legs, fanning out across my thighs.

Taking off my shorts, I put my leggings back on. I would just have to deal with Mr. Guy. Maybe he would just take points off and be done with it.

I slip on the scratchy white t-shirt that showed the gray sports bra I wore. Sliding on my shoes I walk out of the locker room to find Sage waiting for me, leaning against the wall. His eyes sweep over me. "Aren't you going to get in trouble?"

"I don't care."

We left it at that and walked to the center of the gym, standing apart from everyone else. Luke looked over his shoulder and offers me a smile, but I don't return it. Instead I focus on the floor.

"Everyone needs to grab a windbreaker. We are running outside today." Mr. Guy said. Everyone shuffles towards the locker rooms, where a small closet full of sports uniforms were placed. "Miss Jesse." Mr. Guy gestures for me to come over to him.

Sage's arm brushes mine. "I'll grab you one."

I nod my head and tentatively walk over to Mr. Guy. "Yes?"

"That is not my uniform." He says, writing on his clipboard.

"I know." I respond in a small voice.

"Dress appropriately tomorrow please. You're new, and this is your only warning. Understand?"

"Yessir." I say and step back from the center of the gym, letting all of the other students file past me as I wait for Sage.

"Ash?" Luke says as stops beside me, blocking my view of everyone else. "Do you want to run with me? I figured it would be a good opportunity to time ourselves."

Sage is suddenly beside me, his arm pressed against mine. "We're taking it easy today."

Luke eyes him up, taking in Sage's broad chest. Though Luke's lean muscles were much more slim than Sage's, both of them were about the same height. Luke was primed and conditioned to run distance. Sage was a moderate gym type of fit, someone who could easily spend an hour a day working out but not really caring for it.

I took the extra windbreaker from Sage's hand and started walking out of the gym, letting the boys follow me, still staring down the other.

Walking out of the school, I shuddered at the chilled breeze. I slipped on the sleek black windbreaker as I followed the other students. As I walked, I tugged off my hair tie and redid my hair in my typical high pony for running.

"Go at your own pace! I want no puking and no walking!"  Mr. Guy yelled from where he had gotten quite comfortable on the bleachers, bundled up in a heavy winter coat.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now