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I kicked off my running shoes, not fully processing the mud that splattered along the floor of the entryway as I do so.

The sun had completely gone down, disappearing behind the horizon and casting the earth in a dark purple. Though the moon had begun it's descent from full, each night another tiny silver line missing, it still hummed brightly, it's eternal white glow grazing the wooden floors of my bedroom.

I slammed my door shut, immediately going right to my desk and grabbing my laptop. Taking up a spot on the floor, I leaned against the foot of my bed and pulled up a variety of local history searches on Lupus Harbor.

My blood thrummed inside of me. The run did not help settle the emotions inside of me. Maybe it would have, if I had not ran across the giant paw print in the trail.

I let out a small groan of frustration, clicking out of several pages that lead me nowhere. On the last and final page something catches my eye before I close it. My finger hesitates over the red x as my eyes scan the page.

This website wasn't like the others, about mountain lions and wolves and bears, about the big wild animals living in the mountains of Washington.

A blurry picture is at the top, trees and a dark form that looks like a shadow. 'Unexplained sightings in Lupus Harbor, Washington 1984'.

I squinted my eyes at the picture. There really wasn't anything I could make out, it was too out of focus. There seemed to be a large shadow in the background, a flicker of light that could have been eyes.

Scrolling down, I read the compiled list of quotes and old news articles.

Over the past several decades, there has been numerous sightings of gigantic beasts living in the forests of northern Washington. There has never been clear photographical evidence proving the existence of these said to be over 7 feet tall wild animals.

There has been no recorded attacks or disappearances to link to any form of predator; therefore authorities say they will not take action in finding if Lupus Harbor Washington has massive beasts living in the mountains.

The myth of Lupus Harbor's wild beasts remains unsolved.

There was a hard knocking at my bedroom door, I jolted from where I sat and a hand flew to my mouth to yield my scream. "Ashlyn? Time for dinner!"

I glanced back down at my laptop before scoffing. I closed out of the page, tossing my computer on my bed. "You're being crazy, Ash." I mutter to myself.


Jolting upright in bed, I choke down my scream. My fingers clawed the white sheets, scrunching up the fabric in my hands. Cold sweat lined my body.

I let out a small breath and swung my legs over my bed, letting my bare feet hit the hardwood. Slowly, I stood and walked to the window. I wore a long white t-shirt and light blue undies, my hair cascading down my back.

Opening the window, I let it swing and stood as the chilled night air nipped at my bare skin.

I breathe out, letting the tension from my shoulders ease. "Just a dream." I whispered to myself, letting the cold refreshing air circle around me. "The fire is gone." I step forward, letting myself lean out across the railing. "For good."

A big gust of wind swept across the top of the trees, making me gasp - a wild smile already lit upon my face - as my hair flew behind my back, my shirt rustling in the freedom of the air.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now