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I mindlink Vi and let her know that Ash and I are going on the north trail and that we will meet up with the rest of them later. Ash's legging-clad thighs push against me as she straddles the bike. I growl and reach behind with one hand and squeeze her thigh, causing her small hands to wrap around my waist. Her fingers flatten against the plane of my stomach and I have to remind myself that this is not the time nor the place to fuck this girl up against a wall.

Though, I would love to.

Vi revs her bike as Clem hops on. Clem gives me a little nod and Vi peels out of the garage.

My hand still on Ash's thigh, I look back to her. "Hang on tight."

I couldn't see Ash's face through the helmet, but I could sense the sensual glint in her eye. "Yessir." She says softly, and one of her hands dips down just the tiniest bit against my stomach.

I don't mask the groan that escapes my lips. My thumb presses against the middle of her legs and just as her hips lurch forward, I gas the bike.

We rev forward and Ash's hips rock into me from behind. I laugh as her fingers stay firmly pressed against my stomach. My hand leaves her tempting thigh and goes to the handlebar.

I take us down the forest path, chasing after Vi. Diving into my wolf senses, I can tell that Ronnie and Sage are waiting for us to catch up at the top of the hill, just a mile from here.

Ash's fingers stay flat against me, though now she's gotten the confidence to start subtly moving them. She traces her fingers in small motions and patterns.

I grin, knowing the series of jumps and obstacles up ahead are going to change that.

I promised her an adrenaline rush to shake off the effects of whatever in the hell had happened to her back there. I had seen that look in her eyes. I had seen the way she was trying to process. It was almost as if her senses had heightened. Making a mental note to look further into her family history later, I shifted to a higher gear and sped after Vi.

Vi and Clem had spent an entire summer out here, building and forging the landscape to make the ultimate bike trail.

The taillights of their bike come into view and I slow down.

Saf and Sage have their heads turned and bikes idling. I turn the bike as I come up behind them, turning Ash and me so we were sideways.

Ash flips her visor up and lets a huge grin spread across her face. She looks at the trail full of slopes, jumps, turns, and logs. "Fucking hell yeah." She says.

I let myself watch the sparkle in her eye for several moments longer than necessary.

Ronnie nods and revs, his bike starting along the trail. While Ash watches him, and then the others, I watch her.

When Vi and Clementime finish the course and peel off to the left, Ash looks to me.

That stupid huge smile is still on her face. I reach up and flick the visor back over her face.

Not giving her any more warning than that, I speed into the first jump. I was glad she couldn't see my face, because I had the matching stupid huge smile on mine.

We get a decent amount of air time, shooting us into the sharp turn which slingshots us into a bigger jump. Ash lets out a scream as we fly in the air, and when we land it turns into a mad laugh.

Zipping through the course, I can't remember the last time I had this much fun. My heart is beating and I can't seem to catch my breath because, through all of this, her hands are on me. Those damn hands.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now