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I hadn't been bothering to keep track of how many drinks I had. And there was no way I was worried about how many Ash had downed.

Because all I could focus on was those damned hips of hers.

The speakers of somebody's car thrummed with base, the lyrics lost to me. Everyone was dancing, swaying their hips to the music. Ash and Clementine danced with each other, Ash's ethereal long golden hair falling to her ass. The tight white dress she wore framed her body perfectly.

As people shuffled around, the Jeep's headlights fluttered through the crowd, highlighting Ash as she danced. Several glowstick bracelets dangled around her wrists, tracing her movements. Glowing rings of pink and yellow around her neck emphasized the curve of her collarbones and the swell of her chest.

I took a sip of my drink to try a soothe the sudden dryness in my throat. Ronnie and Sage danced next to me, but I could tell that I was slowing down, intently watching a certain blonde.

Ash places her hands on Clementine's hips, a mischievous smile on her face. Ash rolls the length of her body across Clementine's, lowering herself to the ground and slowly back up again.

Sudden desire spiked through my veins. I threw back my cup, downing the rest of the beer.

A shoulder bumped into mine. I looked to my left to see Ronnie swirling a red cup in his hand, the contents sloshing around. "Got you another." He slurred, but his eyes were still alert. I took the cup from Saff's grasp and brought it up to my mouth.

Sage practically fell against my other side before I could take a drink. "Ooh, thanks," Sage said and grabbed the cup out of my hand. He drank from it like he hadn't had a sip of water for a week. When he had finished, he brought the cup away from his mouth with a frown. "Oh." He said sorrowfully.

Ronnie and I watch him with amusement. Alcohol affected wolves differently than humans. We were able to consume large amounts while the effects wore off faster than we could drink. The buzz lasted, but never much further than that.

Sage had always been like this at parties. He could never get enough. We've had to cover for the astonishing amount he had drunk on more than one occasion.

"Heyyy!" Clementine yells as dances into Ronnie, who then smiles brightly at her, beginning to dance with the beat of the music again. I rip my eyes away from them, knowing that Clementine was here with us, meant that Ash was to follow.

Sure enough, clasping Vi's hand, Ash made her way towards us with a huge smile that made my heart skip a beat. My own smile dropped for a second before I let myself move on from the memories that flashed in my mind. I didn't have to dwell on the guilt.

Right here, right now.

That's all I had to focus on.

The lyrics to the next song were slightly muffled by the rattling speaker, being pushed to its max volume.

"Oh my goddess! It's our song!" Vi squealed loudly. Clementine and Vi grabbed each other's hands and jumped around the rest of us in a circle, madly laughing as they stumble and sloppily danced to the beat.

Sage's hip bumped into my side, knocking me out of my daze. He gestured with his eyes to where Ash stood dancing only a foot or so away from us.

The desire from earlier had not gone unnoticed and I certainly did not forget its presence.

I watch as Ash slowly turns in a circle, her hips moving in a constant flowing movement. My breath catches as I realize that at some point she had taken her shoes off, leaving her barefoot on the forest floor.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now