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"What about you, Ash?" Ronnie asks from the backseat of Sage's car.

I look away from the open window where the trees were rushing past. "Mmm?" I murmur.

Ronnie lets out a laugh. "Any plans tonight?"

I chew on my lip and shake my head. "Just Chemistry."

"You should join us! Clementine and Vi are coming later tonight. Sage and I could catch you up on Chemistry before they get there." Ronnie says, flicking through his phone.

"Uh, where are we going?" I ask, still completely lost.

Sage snorts. "Were you listening to the conversation at all?"

Ronnie laughs again. "We are going to Crescent Diner. Have you been there yet?"

I shook my head. The only town experiences I have so far is school, the hospital and a one day shopping trip with my mom.

"It's one of the biggest hang out spots after school!" Ronnie says, leaning forward and slinging his arms around my seat. "It's just a couple of miles outside of the main town."

"So it's in the middle of the woods." I state.

Sage laughs this time. "More or less."

"If we go now, it'll be pretty lowkey. Most of everyone there would be studying." Ronnie says. "We can finish getting you caught up in Chem and then the party will begin."

"Oh she's all caught up." Sage says.

"What? You are?" He asks me.

I nod slowly. "Yep."

"In all of your classes?" Ronnie asks.

"Every single one." Sage answers for me.

"Damn, you've been working hard." Ronnie states. "Then why are you still cranking out assignments? If you're all caught up, you don't have to study so hard."

"Hey, that's what I said." Sage said, his voice dripping with humor.

"Oh shut up." I laugh and give Sage a playful shove. "Now that I'm caught up, I need to make sure that I pull ahead and maintain good grades."

Sage's nostrils flare. He never likes it when I talk like this.

"Wow, this is what you've been dealing with for these last few weeks, Sage?" Ronnie states like he's disgusted by something. "Ashlyn babe, listen." He addresses me again. "Live a little."

I shake my head. "No, you don't understand. I need to do well in school. My mom is expecting me to be top of my class."

Ronnie snorts. "And why did she decide that? Why do you care so much?"

It was obvious to me, why I did it. Iris was the smart one. Perfect grades. She was meant for greatness.

When my parents were left with me, mom had pushed all of Iris's traits onto me.

"My sister was the perfect one." I say quietly. I can tell that they heard me by the hush that settles over the car. I don't know why the words left my lips, but there was no harm in giving them this little bit of information. I think of my own reasons for accepting the role of perfect daughter. I let my gaze go back to the window. "It just feels wrong. For my parents to be left with me. For me to be the one that's left." I shake my head. "Never mind. It's stupid."

Ronnie retracts his arms from my seat, one hand settling onto my shoulder in a reassuring squeeze. "It's not stupid. They're you're feelings." He whispers.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now