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Ashlyn Jesse

I think nothing of Sage not making an appearance for the whole gym period. After I had established unspoken boundaries with Ronnie, he swiftly backed off a bit. I ran alongside Kelsey, glad to have her company.

One thing that I did find odd was the missing of Jay. If it wasn't clear before, he ruled this school. His group didn't know how to act without him. They either stood around moping, or they were wreaking havoc among the gym.

After I said bye to Kelsey, I exited the gym, not failing to catch Luke's gaze from across the gym. Luckily, he didn't seem bothered enough to follow me.

I headed straight to Mr. Holland's room and handed him the detention slip that I received earlier today. He took it out of my hands and threw it in the trash bin. "Go sit." He grumbled, like I was the sole reason why he wasn't able to go home right away. Nevermind the five other students seated in his room or stack of ungraded assignments.

I got out Romeo and Juliet and began to read through the second act again. Two hours later he finally dismissed us. I walked slowly to my mom's car parked in the front lot.

My mom barely looked up at me as I slid into the car. "How did you get to school this morning?" She asked.

I took a long drink from my water bottle before answering her. "A friend picked me up. We had some work to do this morning." I replied, screwing the cap back on the nalgene.

"I thought you were working with a classmate after school?" She questioned. Well, that's sure what I had told her.

"I did both."

She sighed. "Ashlyn, are you not getting your work done in class? I can ask you be moved to Advanced History if your peers aren't keeping up-"

"Mom! It's not like that." I said, rubbing my temples. "It was just a little study session."

"Ashlyn." She sighed again. "I don't want your classmates holding you back."

I kneaded my temples harder. She still didn't realize that not having Iris to help me study was affecting my performance in school. She still didn't have her eyes open.

"Okay." I said, exhaustion ringing into my tone. "I will focus harder on independent study."

I felt her smile softly.

When we finally pull into the driveway, I hop out of the car and slip inside as quickly as I can. I notice that dad isn't home yet either so I bound up the stairs, locking myself in my room.

I kick off my shoes and start undressing. Once I am in my undies I walk into the open closet doors, my suitcases still laid out along the floor. I grab a pair of shorts and slide on a large shirt. I frown slightly at the bruises poking out from the short fabric.

Wringing my hair out from the braids, I gather my backpack and start to do my homework.

Hours pass before I set my pencil down, reaching my arms above my head in a deep stretch. I groaned at my aching joints. My history book slides onto the ground with a thump.

I get up from my chair and move over to the window, unlatching the hinges with nimble fingers.

Letting the large glass pane swing open, a rush of wind breezes through my room, my hair blowing at my sides. Something deep inside me stirs. The smell of pine, earth, and water rushes my senses.

"What are you?" I whisper into the air.

When nothing answers me I try again.

"What do you want with me?"

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now