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I know that in Rainbow's book, there was no "Jay's" perspective. What are your thoughts on me including his point of view?

Thank you for being so patient with me!

Ashlyn Jesse

It was hard not to notice Ronnie glancing back at me every few seconds. Maybe he was friends with Jay too.

Maybe everyone in this godforsaken town was friends with Jay.

Everything seemed to revolve around him.

And I sure as hell wasn't going to get caught up in it.

The rest of the class period flew by, my copy of romeo and juliet remaining in my bag.

I quickly make my way to my locker, lost in my thoughts. I barely sense the body behind me when I stare into my empty locker. I had forgotten my lunch at home. Shutting my locker, I sidestep the body and begin walking down the hallway.

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled in warning and suspense as I felt the pressure of the body following me as I maneuvered through the crowds of people. While everyone else continued to the first floor, I existed on the second to go to my spot in the library.

As my hand brushed the cool metal of the door handle leading into the library, I abruptly swiveled my head to the body at the end of the hallway. They had been trailing me since I had left my classroom. The hallway was dim and the lights behind him shined with a disturbing fluorescent glow. This silhouetted him, not allowing me to see his face.

Instead of stalking towards me, he turned and continued down the hallway, away from the library.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Opening the door to the library I found that the front desk was empty. The librarian must have been on lunch. I let the shelves filled with books upon books swallow me as I retreated into my isolated corner.

I set my bag down on the table and take a large gulp from my water bottle. Sighing, I set my bottle down, the cap still unscrewed from the top.

Grabbing my phone out my my pocket, I see that unreplied texts that Hailey had sent me over the past few days.

I hadn't been purposefully avoiding her. It had just sort of happened. Her instagram was updated everyday with her senior life in LA. There wasn't a single experience she was missing out on.

-Hey Hails.

She replies within the minute.

-What the hell Ashley? You've been MIA!


-Is everything okay? She texts, sent a little slower than the rest.

-Yeah. I'm fine.

The reply is instant. -Stfu. If you're just going to lie to me, I don't want to talk to you.

I sigh, giving in. Hailey knew me better than anyone ever would. -There's this guy. He's been giving me a hard time.

-A guy.

I roll my eyes. -It's like we're back in elementary school. He's such a jackass.

-Is jackass hot?

I pause for a heartbeat. -Definitely.

A second later Hailey is calling me. I peek my head out of the bookshelves and check that I am still alone.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now