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OKAY! Ya'll have no idea what it's like to come back from a long ass break because you are a depressed mofo, and see that your janky werewolf story has somehow made it to #1 werewolf. What the actual hell. Thank you guys so much. (literally I was like tf is going on with this app, the notifications won't stop)

I was really not going to come back to this story because of how much drama was surfacing. It made me super anxious and unconfident as an individual, and as a writer.

The things being said on both my account and Rainbow's account is something that I had hoped to bring to light myself, when I was ready. Unfortunately, I wasn't given that chance.

But, in recent days, thanks to you amazing people, so much positivity around this story has snapped me out of it.

All of the positivity has really helped me focus back on that spark I have for this story. Enjoy!


I glanced over at the empty seat beside me for the tenth time since the late bell rang. Where was he?

Not that I necessarily cared. But I assumed that he would walk with Sage once I ditched him in the parking lot. If Jay was late, Sage could be too.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out hesitantly. It was another text from my dad. I left it unopened and shoved my phone into my pocket.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat. It was weird without Jay here, whispering jokes in my ear and occasionally bumping into me by accident.

"Page 263 has the chapter review on it, you can write your answers down on a piece of paper and turn it in at the end of class." Mr. Holland said as he lounged back in his chair, a newspaper spread in front of him, concealing his face from me.

Not to mention that I need Jay for his textbook too. Mine was at my house, in my bag. I groaned and ran a hand up and down my face. Why was I even here?

I dropped my hand back into my lap and started bouncing my knee.

The thought of walking out and ditching had crossed my mind in the last few minutes. But what my mother would do if she found out...

My stomach churned as the image of my father's hands on the barmaid flashed across my mind. I swallowed roughly, shoving the image out of my head. If I thought about that again, I would puke.

My phone buzzed with another text and I didn't bother to pull it out. I already knew who it was.

Suddenly, the door opened and everyone turned their heads as Jay walked in.


He nodded to Mr. Holland who looked at him disapprovingly. I noticed that Jay's shoulders were slightly rigid as he walked down the aisle. "That's detention, Jay."

Jay doesn't say anything, only shrugging his shoulders as if he was indifferent. I recalled the first week I had known Jay. He was definitely the kind of student who arrived late to every class. Jay had probably received more detentions than I could count. Though, I also doubted that he went to them.

Sliding into his seat, he sets his bag down in between us. Not missing a beat, Jay brings his head close to mine. In surprise, I flinch away, blinking once.

Jay's blue eyes swept over my face. "What are we doing?" He whispered, his voice gruff.

I don't forget the way he had looked at me this morning, wearing his sweatshirt. I pulled my arm to my stomach as it started doing flips. Jay's dark hair was messy like he hadn't bothered to comb it this morning. But he was far from disheveled.

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