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Casey had gotten out his legos and was currently building a spaceship, the blocks spread out on the coffee table in the living room. I sat on the couch, little Maisey still asleep in my arms.

The front door opened, Jay nearly falling through the door. "There you are." He breathed out in relief.

I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"

"I came back, and you were gone." Jay said as he took a step towards us, not taking his eyes off of me. "I was worried."

Jay halted to a stop, as if realizing for the first time the small body in my arms.

Ronnie ran in behind him. "Jay I picked up her scent-" Ronnie's eyes landed on me and he skidded to a halt, bumping into Jay. "Oh. Hey."

"Hey..." I say cautiously. Wondering how they had time to come all the way back and look for me in such a short window.

"Hey!" Casey greeted. "We found Maisey!"

Maisey stretched out her legs, a squeak escaping her lips in the process. I looked down at her, my blonde hair wrapped around her fingers.

Ronnie walked towards us, stepping down the step into the living room. "Yeah, um, how did you find her?"

Casey looked towards me. "It was all Ash." Ronnie and Jay both look at me. "Oh! And I showed her my space station!" Casey quickly changes the subject, much to my relief. "Do you think that I could take her again tonight, so she can look at the sky?"

I smile, it was as if he was asking them for permission to take me. "Unfortunately," Ronnie started, "I get to hang out with Ash tonight."

"And, she won't be back until past your bedtime." Jay said, scooping Casey up. Giggles filled the room as Jay tickled the little boy.

"You found her!" Clementine gasped as she entered the room, Vi trailing behind her. She didn't look surprised, just relieved. Clementine walked towards me and reached out for little Masey. I gently handed her the child who was still snoring softly, my hair slipping out of her fingers and she was pulled to Clem's chest. "Let's get you to bed." She said, tapping Masey on the nose. "Evertt will be home soon."

Clementine rocked Masey softly in her arms and stepped out of the room, heading upstairs to what I assumed was Masey's room.

Vi fell down onto the couch beside me, letting her leg knock against the side of mine. "Uh, I'm exhausted."

Ronnie sat down on my other side. "Well, wake up! Our day is not close to being over yet."

"Do I have to go?" Vi said with a slight whine in her voice. "I can still feel the hangover from Scotty's last party."

Jay chuckled. "Was that the New Years party?"

Vi nodded with a flinch.

The front door opened, and in walked Sage, followed by someone I didn't know. The strangers head turned towards me and I forced myself to roughly swallow. The man was just a few years older than me, yet he looked exhausted.

His eyes caught mine and he stared, probably trying to decide what I was doing here. There was something in his eyes that was broken, something twisting in agony.

"Evertt." Jay greeted as he looked over his shoulder at the newcomer.

Casey jumped off of Jay's lap and ran towards the dark-haired man. "Dad!" Casey shouted and jumped into his arms. Evertt leaned down and caught the boy in his arms, a genuine smile coming to his face. Something with life swam in his eyes, momentarily hiding the painful look.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now