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I wake up as the first rays of sunlight flitter in through my window. Sitting up in my bed, I look around my room. I stifle a yawn as I try to place what that glorious jaw dropping smell was. I mean, I knew what the smell was.

It was Ash. I would know her scent anywhere. Her fresh sea spray scent was wafting all over the pack house.

But why?

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and swung my legs out from underneath my covers. My mate was here. At my house. Why was she here?

The events of last night rushed back to me in a flash.

My hands balled into fists at my sides. My mate was hurting. More now than ever.

The salty sting of Ash's tears were still fresh in my mind. I was barely in control of my emotions, barely keeping myself in check. If anyone made her cry again I was going to rip them to shreds.

I froze slightly as the thought crossed my mind. Would I?

Rolling my shoulders back, I let myself release some of the tension building in my shoulders. With the mate bond being blocked, I was acting recklessly. I didn't have anything to ground the emotions building inside of me.

Delving into my senses, I try to pinpoint where Ash is exactly. She was still in her room, sleeping soundly. It irked me as I realized that Sage had sure enough spent the night not only in her room, but in her bed. I had mind linked him last night to leave her room once she was peacefully asleep again, after she had woken up from a bad dream. I ground my teeth together as I shouted through our mind link.


I heard Sage raise is head sleepily, drowsily trying to sort out the early morning mind link assault.

"Motherfucking bastard." I growl lowly.

Sage let his head drop back down onto his pillow. "It's so early."

"I can't believe you." I snarl. "Sleeping next to my mate."

"Thank you." Sage said suddenly, his voice still muddled with sleep.

This makes me hesitate. What could he possibly be thanking me for? "What?" I ask.

I could feel Sage's gratitude through the mind link. "You talked to her last night, didn't you? About me?"

I didn't reply.

"Whatever you said, thank you."

"I told her that you were lying for me," I reply, thinking over the one-sided conversation in the car. "She didn't ask anything after that."

A flash of irritation and annoyance surges through Sage. "You dummy. She wasn't supposed to. You were the one who was supposed to go right into the explanation."

I scratch my head. "You're probably right."

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right."

I chuckle to myself and withdraw my mind from the conversation. Standing, I quickly get myself showered and ready for the day.


As I walk down the stairs, I pull on a dark blue sweatshirt, the fabric perfectly cloud-like.

Ronnie and Vi are at the island, sipping at smoothies packed with berries and protein powder. "Hey." I greet as I walk in and grab myself a smoothie and sit across from them.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now