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Sage Kegan

It had been 10 minutes, and still no Ash. What was the hold up? I sat in math, tapping my pencil on my desk and glancing at the empty chair next to me. We had not worked for an hour on her homework just to have her not turn it in the next day.

I knew that wasn't really what I was concerned about.

It just felt good to worry about something other than Ash herself.

She was new, her history teacher was probably just getting her caught up or giving her extra assignments or reviewing units they already covered or...

I abruptly stood up from my seat.

"Sage you've lost all of your bathroom privileges. Too many tardy's this month." Mrs. Flemington said as I walked to the front of the classroom.

Ignoring her, I walked right past her and out the door. What reason had Ash been late to class? Had she gone home sick? Or had something happened?

I dipped into my senses and knew that Adam was in the class next door to our math class. He had been there for awhile. I frown and start speed walking through the halls towards Ash's first period history class.

Sharply turning the corner, I let out a sigh of relief and let the tension leave my shoulders. Ash walked toward me, perfectly fine.

"Ash!" I say and jog up to her. "You weren't in math and I-" I stop when I notice her sluggish steps and her head pointed downwards. "Are- what's going on?" I ask.

Her only response is a slight shake in her head. She swerves around me, but I easily step in front of her to block her path. I realize that I am holding my breath. Slowly releasing it, I reach towards her. I gently press my fingers under her chin and guide her head to look up at me.

Ash's eyes are red and puffy, her bottom lip quivering and the tip of her nose had the slightest brush of redness to it. My eyes softened against her gaze, almost begging me for comfort and solace. I immediately pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her torso, rubbing one hand along the length of her back and the other placed on the back of her head. My mouth moved to her hair, soothing whispers leaving my lips into her ear.

"Shh Ash, I got you. I've got you now." I told her over and over again. "I will protect you. I've got you."

Her tears soaked my shirt, her slim built body cocooned by my arms. All she did was ball my t-shirt in her hands and hold on for dear life. And I let her. I would let her drag me down into the depths of the raging sea inside of her if it meant I could save her. Or simply not be so alone if we both didn't surface again.

I would be fine with that.

I notice that Ash has stopped shaking in my arms. Leaning back, I stare into her face. She refuses to meet my eyes. "Ashlyn." I say gently. "Please look at me." She obeys and tilts her head up. "Whenever you feel like this again... don't hide. Come find me. Tell me when you need me."

Ash's eyes sparkle at my words. I knew that she thought I was going to ask her something. In all honesty, I was. Until I realized how much she needed someone to be there for her. Ash needed a friend. She needed me.

Screw her mate. Whoever he was. He didn't matter at this moment.

"S- Sage?"

"Yeah, Ash." I say, finding myself looking back into her mesmerizing eyes.

She stares up at me unflinchingly. "I need you."

I smiled softly, encouargingly, at her. "I'm here."

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now