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As Jay and I walked toward the garage, I was trying to calm the flush that had overtaken my cheeks. But Jay was making it nearly impossible. We walked across a grassy clearing towards a rundown building, the smell of woods and gasoline hung in the air.

Jay's hand left my shoulder, and he trailed his fingers over the sweatshirt I wore, slowly making their way down my back. They traveled low, over the swell until he cupped my butt. I jolted slightly, causing my shoulder to lean against his side. Jay chuckled.

I elbowed him in the side, hard. Jay coughed and took his hand away from my ass, rubbing his side instead. "Ow." He groaned.

"I'm trying to not to look like I just had sex." I mumbled and stepped further away from him.

We had reached the building and were walking around the side towards the front. A rumbling of a bike engine came to life, cutting out the peaceful noises of the forest surrounding us.

Jay grabbed my upper arm and pulled me close to him again. "Hey!"

He pushed me into the side of the garage, the old wooden boards shaking slightly. Jay dropped his head to my ear, his movements faster than my eyes could track. I shuffled my feet, trying to keep my mind off how that made me feel. "What did I tell you last night?" He whispered in a low voice that was edged with playfulness.

I shuddered and squeezed my thighs together. "Jay," I started, using both of my hands to push his chest away from me, "I'm serious."

Jay's teeth nipped my ear lobe and all words drained from my head. His hands were already up my sweatshirt, teasing the skin just below my chest. "I am going to fuck you until everyone knows you're mine." Jay's mouth travels away from my ear, his lips kissing along my collarbone and up the other side of my face until he reaches the other ear. "I am not going to stop until everyone can scent me on you."

My chest rose and sank with every breath, causing Jay's fingers to brush my breasts. He snarled, his head still bowed to my neck. Small kisses were placed as he moved up and across my jaw. I threw my head back, running my hands through his hair.

My head was still a mess, this floating in the clouds feeling the only thing I could actually understand. I was still trying to process the fact that I almost initiated sex a couple of minutes ago.

I felt something in me shift ever so slightly, and suddenly I could sense Jay's emotions again. Lust, longing, passion, determination, this overwhelming urge to claim...... and that guilt.

The change in me was like a lightning bolt.

Everything was all of a sudden too much. Even as that something shifted back, and I was left alone with just my emotions, the air seemed too heavy to fit in my lungs, my skin too itchy for my body, my eyes seeing too much, my heart feeling too much.

A bike's engine roared as someone revved. The white-haired doctor's smooth voice was like lace in my mind. My sister's touch trailed along my shoulder as we walked inside our house in LA. Panic swelled in my chest, where was I? What was I doing here? An upside-down alarm clock splayed out on the floor fogged my vision. I could hear my wild heartbeat, the wingbeats of the raven several feet away from us, the squeak of a mouse that lived in the garage. I saw the waterfall through the trees, the crystal water pooling at the sun-soaked rocks. Air wasn't entering my lungs. My body was frozen, shaking, vibrating, something.

Jay abruptly brought his head up, the darkness in his eyes fading as the blue came back in. His hands retracted from the sweatshirt in a second. Jay didn't step back as he brought one of his hands up to cup my cheek. His thumb brushing across my cheekbone in sure steady strokes is what forced the air into my lungs. I blinked and focused on his ocean blue eyes that studied my face. My lips parted as my body relaxed in his arms. "What was that?" Jay asked softly, gently. His eyes pressed me to answer.

My mouth opened, but no words came out. I blinked, trying to make sense of what just happened.

Jay dipped his head down further, not just worry in his eyes. There was a slight panic. "Ashlynn." He said so softly, his lips barely parting. His hold on me tightened every so slightly.

I broke eye contact and shook my head. "Sorry. It- it's just a little much I think."

It wasn't exactly the truth. But I didn't know exactly what the truth was.

When I looked up at Jay again, the worry and panic in his eyes hadn't ceased. He didn't believe me. I couldn't blame him. I wasn't the best liar.

"I think I just panicked. I don't know. It- was just sensory overload I think." I tried to explain. I brought my hand up and rubbed my head. A small smile found it's way to my lips. "I think I'm going crazy."

Jay continued to study me, bringing one of his hands up to meet mine on the side of my head. He cradled me there. "No, you're not."

I laughed without humor. "I'm not so sure about that."

Jay's thumb brushed against my cheekbone again. His eyes softened. "Are you okay?"

I shuddered, Jay pulling me in for a tight hug. I nod against him. "I'll be alright."

Jay's fingers find my hair, moving in calm, soothing strokes. I breathe in Jay's scent, knowing that I could stay wrapped up in his arms all day if I wasn't careful.

"I was promised to learn how to ride a dirtbike today." I say, pushing off of his chest. Forcing a smile onto my face that wasn't quite fake, I grabbed his hand and he let me lead him forward.

Jay's hand held mine firmly. I could tell that I freaked him out a bit. I had freaked me out a bit too.

Just what in the hell was that? It was almost as if I had been able to sense everything going on around me and those memories had flooded my brain. I shuddered involuntarily again.


Ash shuddered again, and I squeezed her hand tightly in mine, trying to draw her eyes up to mine.

But she kept looking forward, a glassy look in her eye. My heart squeezed a bit too hard as I realized she was shocked.

I started rubbing small circles on her hand with my thumb, hoping that the physical touch would help bring her back to earth. We walked around the corner and entered the garage, the big sheet metal door pulled up, opening up the big space to the open woods.

Vi sat on the dirt ground, wrench in her hand as she worked on one of the countless bikes. I pulled Ash out of the way as Ronnie revved up the engine of the yellow bike he was on, kicking up dirt as he shot it out of the open door. Saff disappeared quickly as he drove into the thick woods.

Clementine was holding two helmets as she walked up to us. "These are for you. Vi doesn't have enough bikes for all of us. She and I are going to share one, and I thought that you two could share one too." Clem handed me one of the helmets. "You remember last time Sage and Ronnie were on a bike together?" The smile was in her eyes as she looked across our faces. She could tell Ash wasn't feeling herself. Clem was trying to lift the mood.

I continued making circles along Ash's hand as I talked to Clementine. "Well I can see half the bike right there, and the other half is in that back corner over there."

Clementine laughed and Ash smiled softly. "That seems fitting." Ash said quietly and squeezed my hand back. I let some of the tension release from my shoulders.

Ash dropped my hand to accept the helmet Clementine handed her way.

I slipped my helmet on and walked to the black bike that I hadn't ridden for years. My fingers glided across the polished metal frame and I looked back to Ash. She still had a slightly fogged look in her eye.

Reaching out my hand, I pulled her close to my side. Clementine started up a gray and white bike on the other side of the barn. I flipped the visor of my helmet up and leaned into Ash's ear. "Are you ready for the biggest adrenaline rush of your life? I know a detour that will rock your world."

Ash looks up at me with that naughty smile that she reserves just for me.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now