49 Rainbow

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This chapter is dedicated to Girlwhochasesrainbow and everyone else who needs to see a rainbow every now and then.


With my arms wrapped around Jay, I let my fingers spread wide against his stomach. I felt his chest vibrate with his deep chuckle. We sped down the mountainside and were on our way to go meet up with our friends.

I can't help the smile that refuses to get off my face.

We circle around the south trail, whipping past one of my favorite running spots. Sage rides behind us for a while, and the adrenaline that courses through my veins is like nothing I've ever felt. There was just something about the scenery whipping past us as we rode faster and faster.

It was only when we started to feel the first few drops of rain did Jay slow down and we all stopped next to one another.

Jay flipped up his face shield, looked up at the sky, and frowned. "It's about to start downpouring." He stated.

Vi nodded in agreement on the bike she shared with Clementine.

I looked around to get the bearings of my surroundings. "Wait, we're like super close to my house. No one is home, we could crash there until the rain lets up some."

Ronnie flipped up his visor so I could hear him over the sound of the bikes. "I'm down. One of us could always head back to the house to get the truck and we can load up the bikes."

Jay looked at the sky again. I watched as his eyes flickered and his nostrils flared. "Yeah, I don't think it's going to let up any time soon. I think there's a storm coming."

And like hell is released above us, it storms.

I hold tightly onto Jay as we trek just the few miles of trail between us and my parent's house. What took us mere seconds to cover before, took us slow minutes now. The rain pounded against us and caused thick mud that kept getting lodged in the tire treks. Whenever we started to lose traction, Jay eased off and controlled the bike with ease, not allowing us to spin out.

At one point the wind rips the elastic band out of my braid, causing my soaking wet hair to whip wildly behind us. I innerly groaned, knowing that it would be a tangled mess later.

Jay's hands leave the handlebars multiple times as we drive back, always to pull my hands tighter around him. I have half the mind to swat his hand away, but every time I feel the wheels turning underneath us as ground rips away, has me holding onto him with all of my strength.

We drive into the driveway and I jump off the bike to open up the garage. We put the bikes in and worked together to dry them off the best we could.

I grab towels from the workbench tucked away in the far left of the garage. Throwing them to Saff and Clementine, I used the other to start to wipe down one of the bikes.

Squatting low to the ground, I started drying the bike. The sweatshirt I wore clung to my body, the wet cold fabric pressed against my bare skin. I was fucking freezing.

It didn't help that the wind was equally as bad, the ride here had been painful even with my body pressed up against the warmth of Jay. My stiff fingers barely held onto the towel. I gritted my teeth and continued to towel down the bike. Were these guys just used to the weather up here? My friends were all flushed cheeks and sweaty brows. They didn't look bothered one bit. I rolled my eyes at my own dramatics. Maybe I was bored back in LA. That's what Iris had always told me. She was always pressing me to do new things, to get out of comfort zone.

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