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We wasted away the afternoon, eating pizza and laughing amongst ourselves. The sun had dipped underneath the horizon as Ronnie and Clementine sat on the floor at the foot of the couch, each holding an Xbox controller. Their elbows knocked against each other and their playful banter filled the den.

Sage and Vi shared a large bean bag chair off to the side of the couch.

I sat criss-cross applesauce on the couch, with Jay on my right.

For the past few minutes, he had been subtly inching his leg closer to mine. Every time he had gotten close to touching me, I scooted away from him ever so slightly.

His eyes were glued to the tv in front of us, but I could tell he was not paying attention to Saff and Clem's avatars.

Jay's leg slides towards me again, I scoot away just as he gets close.

It's the smirk that grows across my face that makes his patience snap.

I can't stop the giggle that escapes my mouth as Jay reaches over with his hand and grabs my thigh, yanking me into his side. I throw my hand over my mouth but it's too late - I snort softly through my laughter, unable to control myself.

Ronnie and Clementine stop playing their game, turning to look at me with disbelief in their eyes. "Did you just..." Ronnie starts but bursts out laughing instead.

Clementine and Jay join him as they laugh at me. "No!" I say, covering my face with my hands. But I'm laughing with them anyways.

I am tight against Jay's side, his hand still on my thigh.

"That might have been the cutest thing I've ever heard." Jay said as he smiled down at me.

Sage lets out a laugh. "You've never heard her sneeze."

I gasp, and pick up the throw pillow next to me. I fling it at him and he easily swats it out of the way. "How dare you!" I say through my giggles.

Sage gives me a playful smile.

I settle into my new spot, letting Jay sweep his arm around my lower back, pulling me close. Resting my head against him, my lips parted slightly as his hand slides over my hip to rest on the bare skin of the back of my thigh, just under the hem of the shorts I borrowed from Clementine.

Sparks erupted from the impact, making me stiffen slightly and then relax at how good it felt. I grabbed Jay's free hand and pulled it around my stomach and hugged it closer to my body with my arms. The black shorts I borrowed from Clementine were short enough to give a little tease, and the oversized T-Shirt I wore was big enough to allow entry to anyone who dared. It was an old band tour shirt, bleach tie-dyed and red and blue letters stamped on top it.

Jay's fingers wiggled over the shirt as he settled against me, turning his head so he could whisper into my ear. "Do you think they would notice if we... went upstairs for a bit?" His voice was slow and smooth, a little rugged as his breath fanned across my ear, the tip of his nose gliding across my hair. My core stirred a bit, warmth flooding into my body.

I let the grin form on my face, not masking any of the mischief for what it was.

Turning towards Jay, I place my hand on his upper thigh, right under his hip. I leaned all the way to his ear and whisper back, "Do you think anyone would notice if we didn't?"

Jay's eyes widened a bit but a dark smile formed on his face, which had heat pooling around my center.

Ronnie let out a victory cry as Clementine swore filthily. "Sage! Your turn." Clementine passed off remotes, and they did some shuffling down below us.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now