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I ran the brush through my hair one last time before shrugging on my red bomber jacket over the silky white tank top I wore. The soft golden waves fell all the way to my hips, soft and shiny. Though faint, the bags under my eyes hadn't quite disappeared.

My light blue skinny jeans were stressed, the rips starting at mid-thigh. Slipping on my red low top converse, I let a breath out of my lungs.

I wasn't necessarily ready to go back to school. But I felt as if I was stumbling, trying to grasp onto bits and pieces. Some normalcy - even that being school - should do me some good. Hopefully getting back on the right track.

Already feeling guilty for putting my parents through something like this again, I really needed to show them that I was okay. That nothing bad was going to happen to me.

I walked back over to the window and looked out into the open woods. "Tell me it's worth it." I whisper into the air.

The wind shifted and the trees shuddered in my direction, as if asking for further explanation.

"Waking up today." I answer. I lean against the railing, letting my hair ruffle in the wind. "I wouldn't have woken if there wasn't something to look forward to." I say quietly.

The trees still in the absence of the wind and the forest grows to a quiet for a heartbeat.

When I sigh, life around me seems in to unpause, the wind streaking through the trees and the birds singing in the branches once again.

I shake off my nerves and grab my phone, and just as I am thinking that Sage should be getting here soon, I received a text from him.


Not bothering to send a reply, I swing my backpack over my shoulder and walk down the stairs. "Bye dad! Bye mom!" I call and let the front door shut behind me without waiting for a reply. I find myself smiling as I walk towards Sage's car, which turns into a full out grin as I take a seat. "Hey." I say.

Sage smiles right back at me. "Uh, hey. Why are we smiling so early in the day?" He questions.

I shake my head and rub my eyes, chuckling to myself, but my smile stays. "I don't know. Something just seems... I can't explain it."

Sage laughs. "But you can feel it?"

I snort. "Nevermind wise guy."

"No no I'm listening. I just didn't understand." Sage presses.

"I feel better." I say quieter.

Sage nods along with my words. "I'm glad, Ash."

"I just, don't have those awful feelings anymore." I sighed, remembering the feelings of worthlessness that flooded my mind. "Nevermind, it's stupid."

Sage immediately took my hand in his and shook his head. "No. It's not." He caught my eye before turning his head back to the road. "It's not stupid."

I look at our entwined hands for a moment before pulling mine away and setting it neatly back on my lap. "Okay." I muttered.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now