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Sage Kegan

Damn you Ronnie. Damn you damn you. I walked away from Ash, leaving her alone outside the gym. Damn you damn you damn you.

Leaving her alone was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

Whatever was happening to Ash didn't sit well with me. It was definitely werewolf related. For whatever reason, Kayleigh and Alana have been targeting Ash since day one. Those two wouldn't bother with a human.

So why Ash?

What did Ash have to do with wolves like us? She was definitely human. Her reflexes are terrible.

I round the corner walk out a side door of the school. 'Where are you?' I mind link Ronnie, scanning the edge of the woods for him. 'I brought spare clothes for you.'

Shifting fur catches my attention. I spot Ronnie a couple yards into the woods, his huge wolf head peeking out from behind a tree. 'Yeah, um, about that.' Ronnie began and I spotted the small gash on his leg, blood welling at the surface and I knew that I wasn't going to make it back to gym anytime soon.

I walked towards the treeline, forcing Ash out of my mind so I could focus on the task at hand.

Ronnie's head points further into the woods. 'Sorry I didn't tell you right away, I was worried you would get Jay.'

'I could still get him.' I growl at him. 'Is she running?'

Ronnie shook his head. 'No. I think someone said something and she just... you know how she gets.'

I sigh and throw the spare clothes down at his paws and walk further into the woods to find Vi's small midnight black wolf laying on the ground, curled up with her tail covering her nose.

Setting my bag to the side, I walk up with my hands raised in surrender. 'Hey Vi. It's just Sage.'

Vi scuttled on the ground, her front paws shifting as she looked up at me. Those piercing purple eyes blinking at me. 'I got mad.' She said softly.

I sighed. 'That's okay. I'm aware that you already know that you need to work on it. So how about let's skip the lecture and work on getting you back in human form, yeah?'

She blinks at me. 'He really pisses me off.'

I instantly know who she is talking about. Jay's right hand man, and Vi's daily tormentor, Adam. He was nearly as tall as our dear alpha-to-be, and vastly more of a bully. I'll admit, Jay has problems. When we were kids, Jay and I were best friends. But when the pressures his father placed on him increased as Jay got older, he grew more distant and decided that I wasn't worth his time anymore.

Jay had grown into a bully. He was mean and ruthless. Anyone who didn't meet his standards was thrown away like trash.

And Adam had only been fuel to this raging and ever growing source of anger and pent up feelings Jay had shoved down deep inside of him. While Jay put on an icey persona, and tried to cover his true emotions with a mask, Adam was the opposite. Anything he was feeling, he took out on other people.

Slowly, throughout the years, Adam had managed to bring out every single bad quality in Jay. He had turned Jay into him.

So much so that I didn't recognize my friend.

Whenever I saw Jay pushing someone around I always have to remind myself of the person he used to be.

Because whenever I see him like that, I wonder, if he was truly like this all along.

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